
History here cry series 13-Don Kerr etching exodus and struggle to xiaguan (upper) _ tied to Tien Mao

History here cry series 13-- Don Kerr etching exodus and struggle to xiaguan (first) �� bears flying Chun Preface: Don Kerr etching and the situation is very xiaguan. The only difference is the United Kingdom who organized the retreat of hundreds of thousands of troops, and China's elite forces should have punished for commanders and, for the vessel escape and trampling each other killings. Don Kerr etching exodus and struggle to xiaguan (part one) a nation at a crucial moment of collective performance is the quality of a mirror. Dunkerque Grand struggle to retreat and Shimonoseki is the Anglo-Saxons (United Kingdom) and the Chinese people in half a century ago the national spirit set show. Through two major historical events provide the sharpest contrast, we'll understand should go to school from the United Kingdom physical? a nation of collectivism and the global concept is the soul of this nation! 17 century to the mid-18th century, during the 100 years at both ends of the world things emerged two colonial empire: the Empire of the Sun: the United Kingdom of Great Britain; one is a ten thousand Chinese tumbler. Yiliusi 0, United Kingdom, the outbreak of the bourgeois revolution is an area of 15 points a second square kilometres of backward Island (England and Wales, and Scotland in 1707 is merged into the United Kingdom). Yiliusi nine United Kingdom bourgeois revolution's victory broke United Kingdom feudal wars have locks, long suppressed national creativity and initiative have been unprecedented released and transformed into a huge national power. After 100 years, the United Kingdom have been incorporated in Scotland (seven 88 million square kilometers), the conquest of Ireland (seven in a 60 000 square kilometres), United States, Canada, India sub-continent (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh) (four million square kilometres); in Europe beat the world's largest military power of the French Empire in Asia, the annexation of the world's second most populous India, established across Asia, Europe, North America, covering more than 20 million square kilometres of strong colonial empire; in the world establishes its maritime supremacy. United Kingdom is one of the national flag will never fall down from the Sun. Yiliusi four years, a Manchu people master Chinese, ruled China Ming Empire only 350 000 square kilometres of land (Manchu total only 3 million people, Ming Empire the 100 million people, pay attention to the huge gap between the average amount, that is, a Manchu people defeated the 33 Han Chinese). This growth from beyond the bitter cold zones, has not been officialdom corruption from erosion of the barbaric peoples to early entering that strong vitality, as Chinese Empire Bolbitis daisy-like make Sunward shaken. One hundred years, a Manchu Empire in the East are invincible, foreign war made a succession of victory, Taiwan (1683, 36 million square kilometers), Mongolia (1697-year, $ 18 million square kilometers), Tibet (1720 years million square kilometers), Qinghai (1724, 66 million square kilometers), Xinjiang (1757 years, 190 million square kilometers) of vast territories have been incorporated into the Chinese territory; plus the Manchu when entering into the Inner Mongolia (million km2) and northeast (248 000 km2), of the Chinese Empire's territory in a directed to seven years (United Kingdom conquered India and Qing Empire conquered the year in Xinjiang) reached almost zero square kilometers, is when entering the Chinese territory four times!!! 2417 seven years is a watershed in the two great Empires: the British Empire continued to make great strides in advancing; Chinese Empire then strode to the back. The eighteenth century to the 19th century in the 1960s during the 1930s, the United Kingdom to complete the industrial revolution, the production of industrial products than the sum of the industrial products worldwide. There is a strong backing for the industrial revolution, the strength of the United Kingdom is at an all-time high, following a July 5 seven years after the conquest of India sub-continent, and successively conquered Burma, the Middle East, Egypt, Sudan, South Africa's vast territory and in Australia and New Zealand along with colonial; also heading north to defeat giants like emerging industrial power �� Russia, forced the Czar Nicholas defeated suicide ... A seven-year 0 year United Kingdom implementation of the "civil service", all official staff (civil service) must be open and equal competitive examination selection and hiring, it effectively prevent power figures used public to kith corruption affair, in the presence of all mankind a clean government and the best pattern of rational Government. The eighteenth century in the 1960s, China and tribute not qualified barbarian �� Myanmar war, Chinese expedition in a place named as hole into Burma army ambushed a fiasco. Was instructed to revenge's second expedition in Commander-in-Chief Fu constant in-depth again, led by the tropical forests of Myanmar, a terrible disease, forced to stop moving forward. Thanks to the timely involvement of Myanmar and the Kingdom of Siam (Thailand) in the war, his reluctance to two-line operations, the request to the Chinese, the Chinese armed forces because of reconciliation yincuoyangcha causes finally fight back a little face. The resumption of second year, the Chinese army in the claim to be "Zhuge Liang's second" General fukang (his hand feather fan, sitting on the emulated "four-wheel" of four lifting bridge child) under the command of the southern Himalayas attack "Sesame", is the capital of Nepal Nepal Army was defeated deficiency, fukang Ann humiliatingly fled for their lives, become a "band juice Zhuge Liang." Eighteenth-century last year, when the British Empire throughout the world, China was a letdown for large corrupt official Subscriber, making no "dubious" assets equivalent to two silver 900 million, equivalent to the Qing Empire 12 years the sum of revenues; if including his prodigal sum and family of corruption should not be less than 20 years of financial income; and Subscriber takes power in just twenty years!! 1842 0 years, two major Empire in the South China Sea, with the outbreak of war. Geriatrics of the Qing Empire is not a prime of the British Empire's opponent, 2500 people United Kingdom Marine Corps, entered the area that are greater than 50 times, has a population of 450, the huge Empire, such as check-rampage without people, made it all the way from Guangzhou road, Nanjing. The Qing Government forced to Nanjing Yangtze River side of the United Kingdom signed a mix on a warship of the city of compensationLeague. From 2417 seven years since the end of the war between the two and a half century, the United Kingdom no outbreak of a civil war and a Department of the invasion of the enemy; China in half a century ago the ravaged, broke two nationwide civil war and five large-scale foreign enemies (the opium war, the Anglo-French, 1895, 1900, the war). After 1949, the Chinese people look forward to a long-lasting peace, but the outbreak of the Chinese history of the most ridiculous a page �� the "cultural revolution". The 19th century to the first half of the twentieth century, the Kingdom of Great Britain and the Chinese Empire also met two strong competitive rivals �C Germany and Japan. The two emerging industrial power is not satisfied with their own small space and lower international status, to the East and Empire gave challenge, nakedly presented to split the world territories, and British equitable sharing of the Sun's site. For active kind of enemy, the host has no escape, China and the United Kingdom was forced to surrender. 1894, the two countries in the Yellow Sea outbreak of the first naval battle, known as the world's seventh largest naval power of the Chinese Empire was only 12 bits of Japan naval defeat, northern fleet of Vienna. Beiyang Navy warship kin Cannon, Japan ships not corresponding resistant, but the Navy's heroic Japan makes up for this deficiency. By contrast, the Qing Imperial Navy you act like a buffoon, Empire corruption personnel system, manipulating modernize ship is full of hookers and some ignorant just don't know what obligations of human waste. Despite the Deng shichang and a handful of elite performance superior to a good Apple has not changed in a basket on the nature of the rotten apple. When the Beiyang Navy in the siege, in a moment of death, come near, and Weiyuan, the two-ship captain landed prostitute not as usual, the results of two warships by mistake that evening was launched in Japan naval torpedo attack sank. In the naval battle of the last moment, stationed at the Beiyang Navy Liugong island was a parody of the collective had surrendered. There is a little human and moral integrity of Navy commander Ding Yu Chang at the insist on surrender of the captain of the vices of poison. Beiyang Navy was flooded, Japan Marine Corps broke Lushun, killed the city all the Chinese people, the elderly, women and children without an escape (leaving only the body buried in 36 people). Twenty years later, at the other end of the Earth, the United Kingdom and Germany has conducted a field maintenance and upgrade their international status of war, fought continuously for four years. Early Germany's military forces significantly exceeded the United Kingdom, the United Kingdom did not give in, but rather the protest, pay following the massive casualties have achieved the final victory. In 1937, Japan launched an all-out war. August 13, songhu began. November 5, Japan Marines landing in Hangzhou Bay, six routes into the grill, the destination points directly to the Chinese capital city Nanjing. Japanese soldiers Pro on December 9, Nanjing city on December 12, China gate in the southwest of the city fell. Has vowed to and Nanjing city survival of flood control commander Tang Sheng Chi at 12 pm held military Conference, decided to give up Nanjing xiaguan, defenders by the crossing of the River southward with a positive breakthrough. Loth "argument to xiaguan" started. A September 1, 1939, after the readiness of the fascist Germany again and the United Kingdom in a fight on the battlefield, dispatched 56 ' soldiers three road United Kingdom military allies invaded Poland, United Kingdom was forced to surrender, deployed across the English Channel expedition into its biggest allies of the French fighting against German army. Germany's "Blitzkrieg" in earlier is no opponents, in a very short period of time, Poland, Denmark and Norway have become a part of Germany, the United Kingdom are passive in the battlefield. German forces succeeded in two road Northeast, in a 1994 0 sent, may 10, 126 and ten tank Division of mechanized forces crossed the Franco-German border, stationed in France launched a general attack of Anglo-French. The German tanks through the Anglo-French defence gap �� Arden Woods, sweep "low country" in the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg, and France over the Northern Plains, potential to break the bamboo. Since the collapse of the French defense, armed forces of the German side exposed to the direct threat of mechanized forces, British forces had to shrink to the sea front, all the way, has been removed to coast last withdrawal of long positions �� Don Kerr etching. Germany's mechanized forces the Anglo-French hundred thousand (of which her Majesty's 34 million people) surrounded on three sides, leaving the English side of the gap, but this gap is signalled the waves of the Atlantic ... Don Kerr etching is a flat terrain and without risk to the coastal plain, at the quantitative and equipment account for an absolute advantage German mechanized Division of absolutely insist on not under siege for several days, 34 million in the United Kingdom the expedition is at the very moment of United Kingdom troops!!! went to the front line, native France almost no regular served as guards. If United Kingdom expedition in Don Kerr etching is annihilate, United Kingdom-country became not fortified land, Germans will run its ... In the United Kingdom before the road there is only one, that is, at all costs the United Kingdom withdrew from Dunkerque expedition. The world famous Don Kerr etching exodus thus uncovered it spectacular scene.

