
[Health knowledge] hiding in the secret of keeping fingers _ rain Xin

Hiding in the secreMortgage Loans Bad Credit t of keeping fingers "/> jianghu Warlock by Palm is the future, in fact, the Palm does not necessarily indicate a destiny, but certainly indicates your health. Each finger is connected to the point and organ. Flexible 10 means that you can see at any time, anywhere you can press ... Our hand and foot, full and human organ closely linked Meridian acupuncture point, when the body parts of an exception occurs, the corresponding part of Palm also changes. And advantages lie in the hand like a mirror to look at any time. "The mirror"-the observer hand gas, change of color, shape, you can keep abreast of the organ, then find and solve problems, in your flexible ten fingers. Healthy fingers are the same: nails, shiny pink, medium, hard and soft moderate thickness, not easily broken, the surface is smooth, nail root semilunar (a half moon, also known as health circle) is white. There are five quick hand keeping 6 meridians, and all body organs, tissues, organs of communication, about 99 points (district), you can reflect the General State of health of the organs. Massage or pressing these acupoints, almost can mitigate systemic diseases. Finger corresponding Meridian corresponding organs of heart and lung meridians thumb lung gastric and colorectal Meridian forefinger intestinal and digestive organs middle finger pericardium meridians features, liver and lung meridians and tri-ring finger and little finger of the respiratory system, small intestine kidney Meridian heart, circulatory system is not healthy fingers are different: a half moon color gray: possible energy weak, easily lead to anemia, fatigue and weakness. Pink: possible decline in internal organs function too large physical exertion, easily lead to diabetes, symptoms of hyperthyroidism, etc. Purple: easily lead to heart and brain blood circulation, blood oxygen deficiency, prone to dizziness, headache, arteriosclerosis. Black: prevalent serious heart disease, cancer or long-tbeverly hills plastic surgeryerm medication. Best of-a-half area: area of nail 1/5. Less than 1/5: represents the energy shortage, gastrointestinal absorption capacity. As a half moon suddenly dark, narrow, disappear, some early prevention of diseases of expendable, tumor, bleeding, and so on. Stay up late, too much, a half moon disappears, it is difficult to come up. Greater than 1/5: more susceptible for cardiac hypertrophy, cerebrovascular, hypertension, stroke, and other diseases. Nail status color is dark, there are a number of vertical distribution: this is the embodiment of water shortage in the body, and the finger corresponding organs and tissues in the body of the function. The color dark, gingerly, there are a number of horizontal line distribution: this is anemia and malnutrition in the manifests, or a few months ago is not transferred. There are 6 hand meridians and all body tissues and organs of the organism. Approximately 99 points (district) can reflect the General State of health of the organs and all body tissues and organs of the organism. Anytime, anywhere-using five fingers fitness gym hand surgery, the biggest advantage is anytime, anywhere: let a lengthy meeting time more meaningful, computer a rest for 10 minutes before a meal content, serve no longer impatient to wait before ... This Outlook is, as long as we want, all hands empty down time can be a fitness time. Basic health care: five fingers massage massage can ease the thumb: heart disease, allergic dermatitis, hair loss, sore throat; massage ease index finger: constipation, loss of appetite, stomach pain, chronic gastritis; massage that can mitigate: liver disorders, fatigue, appetite, tinnitus, dizziness; massage can ease the ring finger: colds, sore throat, headache, urinary frequency, sweating, Palace of the little finger in cold; massage can ease: shoulder pain, back pain, irregular menstruation, asthenopia, obesity, insomnia. Massage methods: 1. First left hand massage. Right hand's thumb and index finger to press the sides of the left thumb, feeling the pain at the insist for 10 seconds. 2. your right index finger and thumb up and down the left hand of respectively the pram, firmly press the thumb stick to 3 seconds. 3. for the right hand massage, in the same way. Fingertip pain finger fingertip with Meridian, which correspond to different internal organs. From small finger, squeeze the finger nails roots, then pressed and turned, if the finger is particularly indicated for pain, and this Meridian related organs may have a problem. The little finger pain: possible heart or intestinal problems. Close to the ring finger on one side of the little finger fingers have little red points, the other side of the little Peter Cave. Little red and is closely related to the heart, heart attack, firmly press the little finger fingertip, can alleviate illness; little Peter is associated with the small intestine meridians, dyspepsia, firmly press the parts. Ring finger pain: it's probably a sore throat or headache. In the ring finger on Taichong, cold fever rub this part to alleviate the symptoms. Middle finger pain: there may be cardiovascular. Middle finger is zhongchong, illness does not make the heart can't stand, here will feel the pain. Index finger pain: possible problems with the large intestine. There are positive on the index finger on the point, when the pressure of the fingers of constipation feel hurt. Thumb pain: respiratory problems. Fewer operators on thumb hole, and lung. If there are diseases of lung pressure this site, you may jump because of the pain. For the cases defined joint problems related to find corresponding to apply finger can ease the pain. Each 3 minutes, 1-2 times a day. Liver disease: pinch right thumb two joints. Tinnitus: pinch hands ring of three joints. Diabetes: pinch left thumb two joints. Hypertension: the root of press left little finger. Heart disease: pinch left little finger three joint on the inside. Dysmenorrhea: pinch the index finger of both hands three joints. Eye fatigue: pinch his right middle finger of three joints. Upgrade maintenance: flexible health means operating since the body's health at hand, hand health also has to be ignored. We often percussion keyboard, send SMS, "mouse arm" and "keyboard" short hand "," can not come about in the hand of honor. For finger flexibility, refers to the practice of joint toughness, beware these we can freely choose. Swing: the hands in front of him violently shaking movement of the wrist for about 10 seconds. You can promote blood circulation of the hand. Throw the ball with his hands clenched fists in the chest, imagine there is a small hand ball. Firmly hold the number 5 sound, Merton, open your ten fingers trying to put aside. Can strong hands and wrists, fingers and flexible. Problem: hands 10 refers to the simulation of the piano, one by one starting from the thumb to the Palm bomb. Repeated 20 times. You can exercise the control power and hand movements. Pressure means: the ten fingers apart, pulp, relative to pressure. Until the finger joints acid swelling and pain. Repeat 10 times. You can exercise the finger joints of toughness and flexibility�� Push in the Palm of your hands in front of him in prayer:, left wrist hard to keep the Palm of the hand on the right, then turn left. Can strong arm, wrist or hand flexibility. Knead means: with your thumb and index finger clip rub massage fingers, from root to tip. You can promote your finger blood circulation. La means: right hand holding the left thumb to change, and then push pull straight, in turn, each finger, hand repeating the same action. You can help smooth finger blood circulation, and robust ligament. Change means: then will the fingers of both hands are exchanged on means of exercise. You can exercise your finger flexibility and brain response and coordination skills. Relax: let the pendant arm, free to move, and then hard rocking until thoroughly relaxed hand. The massage of thing strength for most of the massage and acupressure and reflexology, the pain does not have the effect, so they need to stimulate the strong point that pain again. But also not too hard, as long as there is an obvious pain. Massage, using low to first back loaded, gradually increase the power, the acceptable maximum. Massage sequence massage men first left hand, right hand after; women instead, first right hand, left hand after. If there is not enough time, as long as the massage a hand's point. Be careful with point fatigue massage after many days on many occasions, remission, point of tenderness with ease, signs of the disease. If the condition does not improve, but apparently retarded, the pain is the point of fatigue. The same right hand point, you can turn the acupoint massage of hands. Massage Note 1 massage before the break. 2 binge drinking, feasting, take a bath after 1 hours and should not do when excessive fatigue and hand massage. 3 initial pressing after if acid, micro-pain, swelling, and so I feel that this is the force is too large, should reduce the intensity. 4 hand points site is smaller and massage, some points available some instruments, such as a pen, ball pen, and so the tail (must be smooth, mellow) pressing point. 5 massage natural breathing in mind, do not breath-hold

