
[Reprint] Catholic is all about? _ RUO LAN

The Catholic Church is all about? "author: Liu Xu-check the priest publishing: Catholic xianxian parish address: Hebei province xianxian zhangzhuang Catholic Church (062250) Web site: http://www.xianxiancc.org/Tel: 0317-4630651 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I would like to add this book to Chinese primary insurance, individual home insurance gross Joseph to for help, as Xiao Chen. �� �� Liu Xu-checked in 1981, March 19, Sainte Foy Joseph Zhan ceremony, written as ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ order human history there is a very strange phenomenon: there is a body, two thousand years, always suffer from combat, name-calling, expose, criticism, but steady development, quietly put the one nation, one by one the countries taking into his arms. Today, in the world, has become a pivotal force raises respect, at the same time, also attracted hostility of the minority. This group is the Catholic Church. Catholic, we Chinese people, is no longer a strange term. From the end of the missionary Matteo Ricci, who came to today's 400 years, it's in the social life, and have had some impact. Sometimes, the Canaries, became the opposition concerned and argument object. The General intellectual, has heard. Overall impression was: decadent, backward, reactionary. If you ask a decadent, backward, and reactionary thing, why to go through two thousand years and still ascendant and why so many, so much of the criticism and attack failed to reset them to death?, the intellectuals are not into account. No wonder they. Because they are Catholic views, derived from Feuerbach, Diderot, sea Kerr, kaucki and others. But they didn't believe in God's masters, secrecy on the above issues. Intellectuals have not into account problems, ordinary people, not to mention. From newspapers, magazines, radio, occasional messages about Catholic scales only, thus scraps, they know the Adenauer and de Gaulle, Kennedy and other politicians are Catholic. They do not know Copernicus, Lamarque, Makeni, Cremer principal large number of scientists are Catholic. They may know nothing else, Tin Hsintien is Catholic. They do not know how to write the agricultural guidebook of Xu guangqi, creating Aurora, Fudan University's Ma xiangbo, writing ��mashiwentong�� Ma Jian, the Beiyang Government Prime Minister Lu syndrome-Xiang, jingxiong Wu Jurists, historian Fang Hao, famous woman writer Su, who is Catholic. They only know that the Western powers excuse Catholic was killed, and the big bully in China, but they did not know at that time, the European late Ming and early Qing, advanced scientific introduction to China, is a Catholic priests. Now I want to ask: why do all of this, they do not know why the? in the history of strange phenomena, people turn a blind eye to? why attack, defame, insult the Catholic books, hundreds of thousands of copies of books to release, but there is no point in response to the Catholic Church? on Catholics, simply play the roles, but was not the right of reply, this situation is not fair, is not conducive to discussion of the truth. But today, in thought, objective and pragmatic has become the standard evaluation of all. As labelling, bludgeoning era ended, a lively, free discussion of era began. Therefore, I wrote this booklet, to introduce Catholic. Due to various limitations of individuals, the lack of reference materials on hand, here, an introduction for Catholic, meticulousness, skimming, inevitable. However, if this booklet can cause China compatriots of Catholic interests, if it can happen that a catalyst role with China, the Chinese style of this macro text book, which flowed out, Feuerbach, Diderot used lies and prejudices in kind people duisu idols, like a snowman in the spring sunshine to collapse. So, I wrote this booklet aims to be achieved. Liu Xu-checkout ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ table of contents preface, historical outline of the current bird's eye view of the second, third, the existence of God is an important prerequisite for 4 person immortal soul 5, Catholic Outlook on life, Catholic help people accomplishment moral commandments of seven, Catholic, Catholic and science 8, 9, 10, China Catholic and Roman Catholic views on other religious 11, Catholic defence 12, the fate of the Chinese Catholic ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~, the outline of the history of the Jews of Jesus in the Catholic Church 1900 years ago in Palestine. Jesus openly declared that he created religion, not a negative on Judaism, but its improvement, development and perfecting. The fact is true. Therefore, to explore the ins and outs of the Catholic Church, you must first put the Jews, Judaism as a brief introduction. Said to the Jews, Judaism, and this is a surprising, to understand a phenomenon. We all know, in a.d. 70 years, the Roman Empire for repeated revolt, Prince imperial city ruled the Roman soldiers kill the Jews. Ad 135 years, Romans simply put another revolt of the Jews, full body, housed in various provinces of the Empire. Since then, little help Jews who were in the different help ocean of pagan person. However, Ding dynasties of the world for, or even the brutal ordeal, assimilation of the conspiracy, the revolution in storm rain, but none were able to eliminate their national pride and national religion. After two thousand years off, a few people stay, per countryEvery day of the destruction of the Temple Mount, old, or even travel to the ancient capital of Jerusalem was the Romans destroyed the temple's ruins and crumbling walls, or bow to cry, or upon his trombone, express the ruin of the resentment that prayers the revival of ethnic and national; ... This sight, really lovely! Finally, in the fall of nearly two thousand years later, they established the national. This country was built, and two thousand years to fill the Eastern Mediterranean on the other side of this fertile land of vacuum and settled down in the arms of the Arabs. Is still a source of unrest in the Middle East. Mentioned above, is the year after the Jews. BC. At that time, they live in Egypt. Egypt's failure to assimilate and destroy them. Merthyr Dr God of life, bring them back to their country. To the year one thousand years period, they were defeated by the Gentiles, the prisoner. Assyrian conquest them Babylonian abducted them, Victor fantasy's living in this tiny place, small ethnic assimilation change their origin, to change their faith. However, whether it's the carrot is two-pronged approach to high-voltage, or both, are not achieved. Why?, the Jews from their ancient ancestors, they firmly believe that this nation has suffered God selected, in order to maintain the purity of the Catholic faith, they firmly believe that God had to their ancestors: in their nation, will appear a bit-saviour of all humanity, an incomparable emperors. Therefore, they have a high degree of national pride and confidence. This kind of pride and self-confidence, not because of the time goes by and the recession, and spawned the nation. In a foreign land of exile, the pressure in a strange land, they always retain a belief in God. This in the spread of the ancient worship of God and a miracle. At that time, Jews had a lot of foresight of Saints: like Merthyr, to taste, Hialeah, according to Isaac Italy, Daniil et al., they claim to be God's revelation, God assigned to discipline people, maintain the true religion, attacked the heresy. These figures are more or less wise and foretold the coming of the Savior of all mankind, and he's birth, identity, birthplace, missionary, miracle, victory and suffering, death and resurrection. Thousands of years b.c., Jewish eagerly longing for the coming of the Savior. However, how many times have passed, Tong Yan become old, black hair dye white, and the coming of the Savior or in the foreseeable future. However, in the year to 30 years, 30-year-old Jesus worshipped don't have a mother, left the start hut, low in Palestine mission. He preached to persuade people that criticize hypocritical, fame, disciples, miraculous. While the patient is more, the blind, mute opening, fuming or even raised the dead. Who knew him even strange antics. Jesus openly claimed that he was the day the Lord, is people thirst to be awaited Savior. His father assigned to raise awareness of the truth, AWE, accomplishment of God's character. Some bad practices of the Jews, he gave a harsh criticism. Three years later, the powerful lend the Roman Jewish Governor hand him crucified. Soon after, his disciples despite persecution, inside and outside the rulers to people claiming that he had raised up high, people believe him, listen to his teachings. At that time, almost all of his disciples and followers, in order to prove him back to life and willing to die. A small number of disciples to his teachings to Asia minor, Greece, Egypt and Rome. At the time of the Roman Empire flourished many god worship, which cannot be tolerated or accepted a conquered by a minority of people of OWL does the teachings?, ruler of the Roman Empire is the keen edge with Jeffrey knife to meet his disciples and followers. However, it is a miracle, the more his followers to kill more that became the knife more broken water flow. Thus, in the first three hundred years, millions of followers of Jesus were killed. The final result? is the new Roman religious naturalization. This kind of "the blood of martyrs is seed of new Christians", for those who have no God of historians, cannot be interpreted, feel a headache. In the teaching of the Emperor, and later moved into the Empire in the East of Constantinople. Later Constantinople Bishop, for various reasons, that he was Bishop of the capital, and Rome the Pope should mean, on an equal footing, thus being expelled from the level of action. Thus, he led the East around the Church of Rome with the Church of Rome to break up, claiming to be the Eastern Orthodox. This is the origin of the Orthodox Church. The Roman Church, suddenly lost half of the country, in order to compensate for the loss, we strive to teach to the outside. Thus, the Nordic countries have accepted the teachings of Jesus. The sixteenth century, Germany priest Martin ? Lutheran, excuse the banality of the Holy See, advocating reform of the Church, climb a response, GFZ, Switzerland, the Netherlands, as well as the onset of the Nordic countries, in particular become independent group of sects, away from the Roman Church. At that time, King Henry VIII to divorces his wife and marries another, contrary to the Pope to the founder. He angrily, stand United Kingdom Church, and Rome split. Domestic who dare not, the wounded, to the killing, the famous scholars, judges, the utopia author of Sodom, Moorhead, embarked on a guillotine. Today, the parties separated and later by the person's own churches, shops, do not belong, missionary to the Nordic separately, North America, United Kingdom, Germany, and the vast region of Africa. External, they are called Christian. The word of Christ, the saviour of Greece was originally translated terms. An article about the base city of Christ's people first called Christians. Today, in a foreign country, Christian and Catholic, refers to both a belief in Jesus ' other churches. The Ming dynasty, a Western missionary priests who, claiming to be Christian, of unknown meaning in China, according to the Chinese people "King day", the "victim" in person, call themselves Catholic. In recent years, also claiming to be a Catholic. Today, the world's Orthodox only about 100 million people. Factions Protestantism around 600 million people. There are more than 900 million Catholics. In addition, affected by a split from the Church of the NIE, more on sects (in China says "Nestorian"), created by Islam, Muhammad, and respect for the Virgin Mary, Jesus and some of the ancient religion of the Jewish prophets. Their doctrines, religious and similar to the Catholic Church. Their followers have six, $ 750. While Judaism does not acknowledge that Jesus is the Savior, the difference between their faith and the Catholic Church, Jews are more micro-tens of millions of people. 1 (1. worldwide Orthodox only 2 million people, parties, Christian, about 6 million people, according to the 2008 330 the Rome observer stated that, as of 2006 Catholic 11.3 billion, representing global 17.4%, Islam about 12 billion, representing global 19.2%. �� Editors note), the Catholic Church in the 16th century, and the heavy losses to the Americas, Asia and Africa to preach. After centuries of efforts to convert all of South America, the Asian-African States also have a large number of followers. From the middle ages, Rome Pope (old translation for "Pope") ruled Rome nearby large tracts of land. The establishment of the Court, set rulers, managing people, States also respect for the Pope to the land of sovereignty (referred to as the "Pope"), and live. However, the beginning of the 19th century, Italy national revival movement, Sardinian King finally unified Italy, claimed the Pope's territory and established in Rome. Since then, the Kingdom of Italy and the Pope will be built between the surrounds. In the late twenties, Mussolini's intention to external aggression, stable internal, and Pope booked and about: respect for the sovereignty of the Vatican's Pope, non-interference in internal affairs of the Holy see to the Holy see a large number of claims, since then, over the Kingdom of Italy and the Pope. Established diplomatic relations with the countries of the Holy See, Italy cannot interfere. Today, and hundreds of diplomatic relations between the Holy See. 2 (2. so far, and the Vatican State has been increased to 200. �� Editors note) thick lines from the above sketch the contours of church history, we find that a lot of people curious historical phenomenon. For these, those flaunted no God historian seeking truth from facts is not afraid to face up to. The people who claimed to have carried the truth of the Catholic philosopher and turn a blind eye. However, we firmly believe that: warm-hearted, unbiased reader the face of these strange facts will calmly, if they are not a person hold the nose, not a first-in prejudice, serious thought, they would conclude that there is no God to: support, Catholic, existence and development, is incredible. Some people, Hegel's dialectics Bong pronouncements, devout. Follow the dialectics of things occurred and the laws of the collapse, the Catholic Church has long should perish. However, its calendar 2000 storms not decline, this how second?, bird's eye view present now, let us make a world map that lie ahead, the world will arise. First look from the European, Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Latin nation, people mostly Catholic. France revolution, the Paris commune has a heavy blow to the Church in France. However, it's tough to survive. Spain in the thirties of the twentieth century, the Church during the civil war was extremely destructive, as a result, it did not die. Portugal and Italy both experienced anti Catholic domination, yiguo more fascist tyranny, however, the storm is over, it remains blue sky. Belgium, Luxembourg is a Catholic country. Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany, the Catholic and Protestant roughly equal. Austria people all Catholics. Ireland people in order to maintain the Catholic belief that tough endurance for hundreds of years, until it is fully independent. United Kingdom of Catholics is one-tenth of the population. The most striking is the Catholic Church in Eastern Europe, the vitality of strong, impressive! Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Lithuania, Ukraine, the countries that account for residents of Catholics. Before the revolution, after the revolution. Description: Catholic belief this vitality, very powerful, strangle, because maintaining the belief is not a lie and ignorance, not combat and lure, but a supernatural God. At present, there is no God domination of the Soviet Union, long time ahead. It is said that their ideology has the all-conquering force, they eventually eradicating religion. Well, let's wait and see. Human history will show that in the long process of a long time, which one is the turbulence provoked by blisters, sunlight, Flash out of the bright colors, it is able to attract some people's vision, however, blink, washed by turbulence. Yugoslavia has a large number of Catholics, they are calm and live a normal religious life. Funny is the so-called Asian deli seaside that "light" �� Arbas, brazenly declared national no priests, pastors, imams. It intends to take out a world without God's tip. This kind of pretentious perverse, ultimately can only prove: the Catholic Church is not a human. Otherwise, two thousand years, it has long been eliminated thousand and one times. Latin America, as the name implies, is a colonial Latin tribe, place to live. Latin people many of Catholics. Therefore, the people of Latin America, regardless of yellow, red, SOAP, white, Catholic majority. No God rule in Cuba is no exception. Maybe someone would say: in Cuba, Catholic sooner or later die out. I said: no, there's no sooner or later die is Catholic. I say, not in the spirit of good will of individuals. No, I was informed. Because of the mistakes of Mexico. At the beginning of this century, Mexico's rulers Anti Catholicism, killing priests. Catholic no results?. Mexico, Cuba. I repeat, because to maintain Catholic, not human, but to God. North America Canada, Catholics in a larger, and the United States, Catholics got a quarter of the total population and the rest to the Protestants. When we turn back from the two continents to Europe and America, cannot help but wonder: according to the scientific, technological and cultural development of the standard, the so-called civilized world, the advanced countries, is not a means for Europe and the United States? where people most belief Catholic, Catholic and some fashionable people considered backward, ignorance. Advanced people to faith ignorance? they believed that the Catholic Church, how to explain? ocean in Australia, the United Kingdom after the descendants of immigrants, the Protestant majority. However, the Catholic education was developed. Quality excellent, exemplary. Africa South of the Sahara desert has all national Catholic, $ capital in many countries is Catholic. The Catholic Church where many qibaqian. This is the number of years, the foreign and local godsThe results of the parent are hard work. But today, they are still working there. Many North African Muslim residents. However, Ethiopia, Sudan, Egypt has three million followers of Christ, just as ancient Coptic Church of rituals, of his own religious life. Finally, let us look at Asia, here is the birthplace of the Catholic Church. However, in this ancient, poor soil, in addition to the Philippines, the majority of Catholics in Lebanon, the rest are foreign countries. As four or five hundred years since the missionaries have worked hard and remove certain Islamic States, other countries have been sowing the seeds of the Catholic faith. And both have germination, growth, has stood the test of the storm. India, Korea, ... And other countries of the Church are already have a certain size and are in development. In China, the beginning of the Catholic missionary hit with a $ 4 million believers, still, in the past, the Catholic Church did not last. In order to maintain their own beliefs, some are willing to go to prison, persecution, but poverty, even at the sacrifice of life. Some natty believers, teachings, don't understand the teachings, however, firmly believe that God exists. Reason: they feel God's comfort. Of course, there are also some people who, due to the weak, poor, ignorant, and fell down, we believe that the majority of them will eventually come back. Then, the fate of the Chinese Catholic? I advise people to worry about the good, I just hope that they can enjoy the day of the year. At that time, with the reading glasses to go watch the jumble of the Catholic Church. It's not just my personal wishes, which is based on the promise of Jesus. Jesus said, the grain of wheat buried, will produce thousands of grains of new years (Shen's in the Bible �� Jo?o Gospel law 12 Chapter 24). History has many times demonstrated the reliability of this promise. Our Church, is no longer the start-up phase, some families have three or four hundred years of religious history. Our first human spirit, will not tolerate their descendants into heresy. Beijing has a church 3 (3. means of cauda Groove Church, also known as shimen Church, the monastery of the Virgin Mary Church, France, fatal St. Church, located in Beijing's Xicheng District chegongzhuang Street 6, CPC Beijingshiweidangxiao (Oncology Institute) hospital. The location of the cauda equina ditch was once the Church in Europe and the missionaries of the public cemetery in Beijing, after the construction of a church here, later also used here to set up the specialized training of senior clergy of Theological Seminary-man sound Academy. �� �� Editors translated) cover the martyred bone remains of martyrs, which is the symbol of the Chinese Catholic martyr's blood would not have died in vain. This spread in countries around the world, the Church was a powder sand? no, they have the same head of State: Rome Vatican's Pope. Vatican-the Pope who live in a small, square against the world's hundred thousands of Cardinal, Bishop, priest, 40 million, as well as numerous monks and nuns to manage global by the Catholic Church. The Pope will be surrounded by the Secretary of State, Court, communication Department, Academy of Sciences, education, and other organizations, as well as hundreds of State diplomats. Remove the Church organizations, manages hundreds of men and women will repair, hundreds of universities and scientific and cultural institutions. Each year, the Vatican sent massive missionize personnel, away from the motherland, PAC, go to the alien, the last passenger to death there. The Chinese have mageguoshi haoyan, these missionaries came to the sky, in a distant roots that lie buried in a strange land, its spirit, heroic. How can: If you do not have God's support and comfort, they cannot do this step? if you do not have the power of God, millions have celibacy of priests, monks and nuns repaired, to overcome temptation and difficulties or outside?, I repeat, this is a singular historical phenomenon. Because it is the Catholic ability a great miracle. The current status of the Catholic Church made a watch of this four, the unbiased people will agree with me on the above assertion. Describes the current status and history of the Catholic Church is not a book I wrote this. Therefore, we have to this end, to roughly described as soon as possible to the body. Three , God exists is an important prerequisite has no God, no Catholic; no God, everything is impossible. Therefore, when first introduced Catholicism should explore whether God exists. For a dedicated degree at religious life of Catholics, the existence of God is not a required argument, but a experience to feel the facts. Jesus said: "where the toil and burden, you are to me, I will give you rest." (The Gospel of the Bible ? Martha sinus "chapter 11, section 28) Catholics to shelter the burden of life, came to the Church, they repeatedly felt God's comfort. It is precisely for this reason, their life sometimes despite tough, but always had a happy happy. It is precisely for this reason, the generation of Taliban his eloquence, can these Catholics ask dumb, they cannot take away their faith. It is precisely for this reason, two thousand years, countless followers, in order to prove that God exists, he does not hesitate to throw honor, suffering, lost their lives. There is no God, they cannot and will not assume so huge losses. Such a person, in the early century many hundreds to mention them all here. Here I only currently known as few examples to almost the rest: Jesus ' twelve, 72 disciples, almost all of the early century Pope, bishops, the utopia of genius writer Thomas ? Moore, France chemist Lavoisier ... All fatal for God and die. While the Catholic Church, through two thousand years of ups and downs but have not been eliminated, sufficient to prove the existence of God. However, for a foreign person, simply listing the facts is not enough, they require the use of rational, logical deduction. Okay, let's meet their requirements. Evolutionary theory prove God surprised! it is said that evolution and creationism is, how it came to prove up God? demonstration of God exist, arguments. I was asked to help with the theory of evolution is the result of many shallow people regard evolution as a stick, some kind of threat. Actually, these people are simply notUnderstand the theory of evolution. First, a pioneer in the theory of evolution �� la mark is a devout Catholic, he thought the source of life from God. Second, the evolution of the two created by Darwin and Wallace, the former does not deny that God, the latter belief God has reached the level of the "crazy". Finally, we then study of evolution itself: the evolution of ideas, from plants to animals, plants from non-biological, but people are apes into. We know that the lower plant regardless of yin and Yang, higher animals but male and female. We have to ask: what plants or does not distinguish between yin and Yang of lower animals evolved into the male and female animals? this is the first issue. There is a second problem: the world's first appeared in male animals? first appeared in female animals, or to take into account the needs of the breed, males and females both evolved? if so, who do this kind of arrangement is inanimate plants or itself does not distinguish between yin and Yang of lower animals or have the spirit of God? if you attempt to quibble, with billions of evolutionary time off, I said: do not. Because the evolution steps only one step, instead of hundreds of millions of step. First of all, without distinction of sex, divided by a step. Here, how many billions of nought. Both must be one, so proper sexual separated, is not the spirit of the fauna and flora, the spirit of God. Recognition of which one is better?, animal by God no clones to be sexual, too?, from no life without feeling that there is life, there is a feeling that this step is not good too. Now many scientists doing this experiment. However, had a struggle that was a synthesis of proteins, amino acids, leave off the life, a long way off. Japan scientists Watanabe Professor argues the life chances of occasional in-situ, with figures, the probability is only ten of the 12-th minute. Just imagine, scientists with the complete range of tools and criteria, experimental decades, millions of times without success. Then, in the Earth's Pacific time, inanimate things so easy for produces out general? 1924, Soviet scholars, Bahrain:-when the Earth was formed, after Thunder discharge, certain molecules in the air of synthesis of amino acid, amino acid composition of long-chain, drowning, gradually become a protein, into protoplasm, single cell plant, later evolved into higher organisms. National scholars as he advocated experiment, have no effect; his ideas and his "living creatures cannot come from death of" common sense is not common sense; his ideas for instance no one ever saw. He advocated that: in theory, the absurd; practice test, no, no one has seen its instance: such a doctrine is not a utopian idealism,? flora and fauna of wisdom that God have you seen, heard of pitcher plants? it is a m high, with one or several of the cage, bottle-shaped. Usually, a "bottle cap" spread, to release some aromatic smell of gas, and other insects into which the "cap" would automatically shut down. At this point, the bug will have expired, become a pitcher of a meal, Digest, the CAP also automatically open, wait for the bug by mistake. This grass, how clever! it showed great wisdom of the body structure. Is it your own arrangements, or an invisible wise to schedule it? I think that this is making it God to arrangements. If you think it yourself. This is your freedom. However, ask yourself, you will certainly feel wrong. We look at the bee nest, spider NET, in the nest and network architecture, the scientists found higher mathematics and architectural principles. A haven for those who want to learn advanced math and architectural principles that require more than ten years of diligent; but these often grueling study of small animal life short, a non-University Consortium, lack of teacher to teach, how have you consummate technology and so profound lore? some say this is the bee and the spider's instinct, what is the "instinct"? instinct is inherently has the ability, there is no need for other religions. Do not need their own learning, there is no need for other countries to capacity. However, the bees are insects and spiders itself, there is no consciousness, there is no logical ability, we said that their ability to do math and architecture is "instinct." Because they did not deserve that kind of capacity. Shouldn't have, but that they have the right to pursue it. A child with a ten million, playing on the street, the police asked: "are you that money is from where?" If the child answered: "I already have. "Police have said:" you shouldn't have. "Now, an insect, action in higher mathematics and architecture, it was said that this is the" instinct ", is it not strange antics? we think this is making their God given abilities. In order to enable them properly to survive, in order to allow them to demonstrate God's wisdom and glory. Then take a look at the higher animal! for example. Eyebrows in the eye, you can block sweat flowing into the eye. If the eyebrows at the moment, left, right, is not good. It asked what was so reasonable? who arrange about? I? a parents? if not, then there should be immediate, long in the eyes of the left and right eyes, why are all in the eye? it should be said that the creator, God gave the arrangements. Some people hear God, they will feel harsh, I advised them it is best to be patient. Therefore, if they are willing to live them every day and everywhere will find God's footprint. Animal ears forward, binocular coordination that is easy to approach very much. If the ears toward open back, up, down, it missed the event. What, then, is who has the ear placement so reasonable? wouldn't listen to God name Ah, where God's footprint is revealed. Human life environment proved to be God of the Sun to maintain his life on Earth. There is no sunlight, everything is finished, the sun always super-powerful hot nuclear explosions, radioactive life necessary to heat and light, but also emit toxic rays which organisms. Those rays, if as light and heat into the Earth, biological cannot survive. Luckily, there is one of the ozone layer above the Earth, covered the toxic rays, thus the Earth creature was free from those only. We think this is intentional, the Earth's environment suitable for the survival of life is God's arrangement is not accidental. Because here the "accidental" too much, one or two by accident also good explanation, 000 ran together, it is not by chance. As we all know, the solar system, and even other galaxy planet, with approximatelyThe same reason, background and process, but only the Earth, with appropriate conditions for the survival of life. This is not only a "day" and how thick,? there is no God, this thick come from? Diderot disagree with my point of view, he asked: "why did God of mercy, cold, hot, mosquitoes, bug made to the world?" the Earth to man, is a test, penance, so we created this way, if you make it perfect, people also how meritorious, accomplishment, penance? world miracles prove God so-called miracle is to use couldn't explain the science of law, this phenomenon is full of human history. A fifth, 60-year-old woman, it is said that a report of a spot, raving about language, three or four guys could put her uniform. The priest sprinkles holy water to her, she is honest and her supernatural power come from? holy water power and come from? one can accurately predict the future is going to happen. This capacity to come from? France dew de fountain, can cure diseases, China's newspapers also widely reported. Letters to God's people thought this was a miracle of God, not God's people, only water and sigh, sigh promising science cannot explain. Today, in China with ears word there, some of the great miracle of the outgoing, his science faces accusations fine field. Subsequently, the miracle came from all directions, their silence. We believe that this is God. Is God using these contrary to scientific law phenomenon to tell people: some phenomena in the universe cannot be explained with science. Thus proves that God exists. As we all know, the eardrum is dealing with Sonic, dealing with light eyes. And now, in the hundreds of people who, even with light waves hit the eardrum from traffic. The miracle of the face of such clear, also refused to recognize God, reverse to science. Scientific derision these fools. These people into the mind of childhood is not God's prejudices, it is difficult to clear. Even when standing in front of God, they had to say: "this is not a God, this is science cannot explain natural phenomena. Tomorrow's science and will take it. "Evidence for God, three days and three nights also said it all. Here are just a few, for those arrogant fools, cite thousand. Because they deny God half, now turn over mouth, too planted surface. Ning to face, not the truth, this person is not intellectually. Four , people have not dead souls Catholic problem solved. However, if people died as the lights, people without a soul, well, believe it or not, what is the relationship between God, life is short, like? dew, why not Merry, Merry? so if there is an off the soul, these problems must get to the bottom. In this regard, I share a few steps to talk about: a, an overview of the history, since time immemorial, the world's peoples have to immortal soul of faith, this must be a monarch, philosopher education results. Education alone, cannot have such a common result. Believe that the soul, hope eternal life that people died after the good will be rewarded with good, evil is evil. This kind of faith, so common, it can be said that the person with the heart, is a common belief. As Kant said, this belief is transcendental, talent, not the results of the acquired education. Does not exist, humans are not widespread belief. Even though a moment of deception, is not sustainable. Dragon, Phoenix, and other ancient may exist, it was generally believed that, today, people no longer believe. While the soul, the ancient belief that still today. This can be said to be one of its existence. 2. who can find a do not believe that the soul of the nation? which country the history without a soul immortal records? maybe someone asked: "soul show how things are now gone?" now there is. Recent magazine contains three doctor in a hospital is breakfast, suddenly came to say goodbye to a patient, thanks to several doctor half year or bother to treatment. With that, out of the hospital. Several doctor know this is not possible to cure patients because he was terminally ill. It is similar to the wards. Watchkeeping officers told them that the patients have died, the body is transported to the morgue. Some people think that several doctors see is the soul of the patients. Some people thought it was some sort of power, because the doctor took on his heart, he thinks of his death, this electric will take the person's image appears in front of the doctors. As for this electric is the positive electricity? is the negative electricity? AC? is the DC? "no comment" is. No wonder people request wonders when; miracle, also refused to admit it. The truth is, how to play this kind of person? 3, scientifically proven soul existence Science tells us that the human body is made up of cells, and cell always kept a metabolism. Science tells us that about seven or eight years, the human body's cells to be entirely replaced. In other words, eight year old child, he was born in cells, one does not exist. (Brain cells in cells, plasma, cell enzyme, cell wall ... The level change). In other words, eight-year-old child was not his birth of the child. Because he was born in cells, that at the age of eight, have all been out from his body metabolism. Now there is such a case: a 20-year-old, killed a man, took the money and ran. The 30-year-old was arrested. The judge sentenced him to death, he said: "I believe that science, I also believe the dialectics, I only the flesh, without a soul, I today's flesh is no longer the flesh that ten years ago. Ten years ago I was at the time of committing the cells left none today. I'm not the one I was ten years ago. Why outsourcing my sentence? "the judge must not listen to his sophistry. Because, on the body, he is no longer a man 10 years ago; on the soul, he is the man. Body, soul intact. If you really believe this case is dialectics, bad judgment. Press the dialectics of someone, at some point, because the cell's metabolism, is this person, and not this one. Don't believe the soul exist, these cases would not sentenced. The Science also tells us that the human brain is composed of two hemispheres. The left hemisphere dominant right half, right hemisphere dominance left half. If the left hemisphere sick, you can go to his cut, single-left-right hemisphere, people can live.However, the right half is half-paralyzed. If the right hemisphere sick. It is often said that the brain is the body of the command. Very right. However, there is no single with command, Commander, but can't. There is no command of the Commander, the brain hemispheres in may on the human body produces contradictory command, one whole body will be at a loss. For example, the left brain commands right leg to the East, right brain commands left leg to the West, people how action? this not happened, why because the brain is made up of two units, Commander, above. Commander is a soul, that is. Australia scientists Albert g SRE, in New York City University medical school to do an astonishing experiments, he put the micro electrodes inserted into the human brain cells, he found a man doing: behavior of 0.8 seconds on electroencephalogram it has changed. This shows the brain �� the body's headquarters has received an instruction, he issued the command actions of limbs. This give the brain a release command? Alkov, soul. Albert Alex because in human research contribution, received the Nobel Prize. Brain Science tells us: past memories, currently feeling, reasoning capabilities, feelings of Express ... By the Middle dedicated departments. A current, these departments have their own control of materials, data, information provided to the Commander of the reference, the Commander of the measure, the judge, the judge shall order that the brain dedicated sector given to the relevant body. This is the command and command of the soul and brain of the diagram. Soul is non-material, it is not a cell so that it does not follow the metabolism, nor the demise of the material body and perish. I speak from several aspects of the soul's existence and not die. Now, I think some memorials of the scenario: people died, and burnt to ashes, but relatives and friends of the heart is: he is still alive. This is the man with the heart. Five , Catholic view of life it was considered that the philosophy on the most important issue is the consciousness and matter settles back issues. I do not agree with this proposition (I think you should give consciousness next exact definition. In this sense refers to the people? s? if it is, of course, the material filed; if it is God, of course, the material on the back. ) I think the most important philosophy: life, values, mission, role �� purposes. We are born into the world, but for what? to such important issues aside and talk would not be a problem, is putting the cart before the horse. Throughout history, many people have repeatedly on life. Some people see life short, used to describe a fleeting show; it was grasped by the world of fantasy to life is a dream to dream, description, and so the story appears nankeyimeng, is not accidental. Someone regardless of the purpose of life, one for Merry. But laments love drink, lips are still dry, yinzhenzhike, counterproductive; someone thought of superb, penetrate world is an Inn, living as a passer. However, on why the world to go this, there is no reason why to penetrate. If the past long years no one clear answer to this question, then, and today it was answered, the answer is simple: as the name service. This kind of life purpose advocate is noble, wealth to the sacrifice. However, the lip is one thing, but actually doing is another. How can: millions of people some of the goals in mind and often implement? also, men do not have their own purposes, just as the others, to someone, it is difficult to do so; but on the whole of mankind, and he was asking. The entire human race to this is why in order to mutually service?, why on earth did the world walk by?, in other words, human beings in the universe and what is the Mission of? Catholics to have clear, distinct answers. We learned from Jesus, our life is: first, admiration, and love making students our God. Second, accepting God's test and ask yourself imperfect soul through the decades of experience, training of personnel into a perfect soul ascended to heaven to enjoy life after death. This is not done, after the death penalty to be affected by the wing. We believe that God, is also "the Gentiles" of God. Catholic religion other than the production, of the existence and development, there is also a God of meaning in it. Those religious can also be partially affected by the revelation of God. Their life, to have a correct concept. Our Chinese Confucian, two thousand years, in China, even in the Southeast, row have the education mission of the people. Their philosophy has made life correctly. They said: "the heaven, the rate of that road, cultivation of teaching. "How should we understand this word? God for everyone made a soul, he has the soul of nature, what is good and evil tendencies. The traditional argument that human nature is good, the bad, the future is the result of the environmental impact. This is the man's quality. Some people believe that the men of evil. This is the nature of evil. Both advocate that we don't agree with. We believe that the people in creation, the soul has a good tendency: gentle, thrifty, fair, filial, generous, exploits, courage, compassion ... At the same time, there are also some evil tendencies: pride, lust, anger, greed, sloth, envy and socialism, the mean ... Good and bad inclinations, each individual soul has some. God thus making our souls, in order to let us in the world, in addition to the evil inclination. Carry forward the good disposition that complete accomplishment of their personality. This is the "Heaven" in mind. Specifications themselves, restrained himself evil, he was not allowed to act, the Act, this is the "rate". So persistent, there is a moral. This is the "rate of that road". Want to control what evil tendencies, carry forward the good disposition that has power, it is difficult to complete, it must be with someone for help, supervision, and education. The "others", can be a teacher, an elder or a school, the better is a solemn Church. This is called "religious education". Jesus told a parable: a master to a few servants not as much of the silver dollar, so they profit separately. One yearAfter the owner returns questioning, get five silver dollars, earn five; won two earned two. They received his master's award, a silver dollar, no money and was the host of punishment. (See Bible ? Martha sinus Gospel law 25 Chapter 14-30) the meaning of the parable is: God made angry with us, gave us a lot of perks, fate, extra-long, also gave us a soul is not perfected. We are in the world for decades, the natural tendency of goodness, carry forward; born evil inclination, eliminating NET. Use their get grace, fate, extra-long, to honor God, for the benefit of others. Because God is making health our Heavenly Father, but people are our brothers and sisters. This is the Catholic Outlook on life. This philosophy applies to everyone, also applies to all mankind. This philosophy does not object to the people. We believe that human beings are brothers and sisters, so that the people should be, is God on each of the life. However, it should be noted that, as the name service is only a means, not an end, the aim is to use this service to reach the love of God, loved the accomplishment of the purpose of his own character. This view of life, the life of each activity is given a permanent significance and value. It enables people to life always hold positive, seriously, it makes people happy and suffering are salesmen, active use, in order to contribute to the accomplishment of their character. This view of life that people not drifting along, not Ah, not favoritism, don't mind material losses, love every person, and not accommodate everyone. It is with this philosophy, Catholics more local, philanthropy, moral standards, the divorce rate reduction, a good social atmosphere. What kind of life with our Outlook than?, how six help human accomplishment of Catholic morals? the ancients said: "rivers and mountains nature difficult to move. "This is truly the people of accomplishment of moral experience. Instead, repair the character of the work is hard, hard, long term. However, he should be completed, you can accomplish. Therefore, God does not compel people to stem force can and work. The Chinese Confucian, Greece's first advocated moral self-cultivation. Other than the Catholic religion, nor are the retreat, as the first power, have achieved certain results. In those religious or philosophical groups, with occasional scholar is not unusual. We Catholics to respect them in training efforts on moral, but also that those hard, long-term effort and the noble moral character of the people, who died later, likewise be subject to God's reward. However, in comparison, in our view, the effectiveness of the cultivation of virtue, we Catholic is better than the other, the reasons are: the Church of Jesus not only set up to help people accomplishment character, while the seven sacraments give you trouble, repair the moral strength and method. Because good territorial use of these sacred things, two thousand years, the Catholic martyr in the countless martyrs, intensive Sage numerous, high moral character, even if the Ganges River sand. Next, I take the seven sacraments outline. I. Saint wash: every person trying to enters the Catholic must first be baptized. Led wash became a Catholic. Baptized before sin and the Sin in God himself, in the eyes of the soul is dirty, hateful, lifeless. Baptized, original sin and the Sin and suffering of Jesus completely washed, man has become God's children. God's love to give to him, God's power to give him that makes him easy to replace, repair of virtue. Saint-life only once. Second, Kin-induced vibration: led wash of the preparatory period, can bring strong vibration. Jian Chen is a holy God of seven. The seven grace so that recipients have the ability to distinguish, dare to repair the strength to overcome German civil courage, God, love for the church a filial piety. Martyred martyrs of courage come? finishing Saints strong perseverance come from? priests and nuns of spiritual comfort come from? from the Holy Spirit. You can only lead one's life. Caine vibration Received effective and spiritual preparation for the situation. Third, the confession: when all sins are baptized, then commit. Again what Jesus established a sacramental confession, Holy things on people to illnesses, the effectiveness of great virtues. The steps are: first review what they have committed a sin, and then be deeply repented, is determined to die again also no longer commit, then go and tell the priest to be honest, for God's forgiveness. priest generation The priest to advice and guidance to be held guilty of any criminal offence, but also according to the severity of the crime to be guilty of certain punishments, like reading a official vegetarian, do good work. The priest his penitent, and this requires faith and Chien de, but these two virtues, most/God. So easy to get God's light, strength and encouragement to get rid of your problems. 4. Santa: no major sin on the soul can communicants, also is the hidden face of Jesus to their hearts to him and pour out your own team, to accept his comfort and caress. To consult a personal issues and concerns, to accept his guidance and assistance. At this point, Jesus ' thoughts, views, feelings and spirit will quietly in transmission to the recipients. Good collar and diligent communicants are replaced defective, virtue, energetic, Jesus even and Jesus of effective methods of the same life. Caution and Saint of the Sun is the center of the religious life of Catholics. 5 mating: Catholics married couples, sacred things required. Through the sacraments, and God rewarded both strength and protection, so that they can live in harmony and mutual understanding, mutual help, in virtue of excellence together. Since ancient times, to receive this sacrament must be voluntary, not forced, forced, carrot. Upon enquiry, the men and women in the priest must be a clear answer: "willing", otherwise the nullity. Established marriages, couples, divorce is not allowed. The Catholic Church did not divorce, divorce is guilty of a serious crime. King Henry VIII, no heirs, the requirements of the Pope to divorce and marries another, Pope knows the serious consequences of refusal, also strongly forbid. Because God, who has no right to break up. Emotional and patience, patience, separation, die party, party remarrying shortly. Such a serious Canon, made in two thousand years ago, but also to the emperors and civilians alike. According to theThis is sufficient to explain the nature and origin of the Catholic Church. 6 piece FAT: people who are interested in when the priest, in the spirit to a certain extent, received the piece fat. Piece fat sacraments give recipients the strength, at the same time, to a serious academic and responsibility. Want to be a priest, must swear before celibacy, absolute obedience to superior orders, of a poor life. When its teachings of believers, dissemination of spreading, good example of an infallible Holiness of life. He is the incarnation of Jesus, it should be kept power full, Germany should be a beacon. Prosperity does not bear the brunt of pleasure, a difficult time. Maybe someone would like to ask: in this way, he also how to live the love of Jesus? support him, he felt the burden is easy, Gan Yi. The priests around the world, ready when million. 7. patients Fu Yau: Catholic patients, the elderly, especially dying people should get Fu Yau sacred things. The sacraments of the good, the Elimination of the sins of his life, to give him the strength to bear the pain of death, is he a clean heart, safely, without leaving the world to devote to the heavenly father. In addition to the seven sacraments, the Catholic Church to help trim ethic cultists, illnesses, also prepared a number of ways: meditation, prayer, review, retreat (retired), and so on. All of this is a very Holy Theodore of good and effective way. Here, not details. We Catholics know life's mission, and finish the mission. Everyone has free will and personal strength alone, or it may meet in morality, however, to some degree to be perfected, it is too difficult. And Jesus asked people accomplishment of standards is: "as your heavenly father is perfected by" ("Bible ? Martha sinus Gospel" Chapter 5, section 48). Because there are seven sacraments infinite power. Therefore, the person purporting to be difficult to complete the task, in our view, not only can and should be completed. VII. Catholic commandments commandments of the Catholic Church: a total of 10, Chin sung a God over all. Second, do not call God holy name to send false oaths. III. official Zhan ceremony Sunday. Fourth, honour thy father and mother. 5. do not kill. 6. not to prostitute. 7. do not steal. 8. do not jump. 9. do not wish others to his wife. 10. do not like others. The ten commandments always love God on two points: the next so loved the world. The ten commandments is 3500 years ago in the Sinai Peninsula, Catholic citizenship Merthyr hand promulgated. This article is an outline. Every big just many rules. These rules can be found in the old testament the Valley powder Kidd, Deuteronomy, ribs not JI and household disciplines. Pagan scholars think that the ten commandments from Merthyr. Not to recognize from God, because they don't believe in God. We think he comes from God. For the following reasons: it's the first rule simply respectful one God, to worship the beast people, objects, etc. 3500 years ago, the world's peoples are prevailing god worship, but Israel this semi-nomadic peoples respectful one God. In comparison, this is lagging behind or advanced? is reasonable or ridiculous? objective that is advanced, the was reasonable. More than 3500 years ago, in old China, people both King, King of the Kitchen God Yanwangye. Both the letter and the King of wealth longwangye. Both the letter out loud, and respect the Jade Emperor. Fine-count up, then God, there are a dozen or more. According to the then fashionable, religious law is the superstructure is a reflection of economic fundamentals is a foundation of services for the ruling class, the rich services. If so, then you should see, 3500 years ago Israel's economic base is backward, culture is backward. He's in the area of the superstructure but at that time the leading national law, how to explain? more convoluted ahead. Ten Commandments strict provisions of the third commandment: Sunday you my family, have a rest a slave. If the slave labor, Sunday was instructed to severely punish the master. "Legal services for the ruling class?" is the "legal services" for the rich? Merthyr is a ruler is a rich, such as law, how to explain? old China hand there is the "right" Sunday rest? But in the 3500 years ago, God will add Merthyr's hand to settle down. The first three commandments also stipulates: the seventh year in a week. Orchard, land management and farming are not allowed. People only eat first six years of savings. This year, the tree grows, the Earth, all the poor, expatriates and passers-by. This probably isn't as rich service? this commandment is also provided: the first seven years, all the slaves were freed without compensation. Release, the owner must give their necessities, and a certain number of cattle and sheep, giving them a means of waging a living independently, not on the streets, and slavery. Such a provision, for the generation of Catholics hold biased preconceptions, pitching the "Arabian Nights", however, this is written in the Bible it is written. The fifth commandment forbids murder. Who's killing who for life. The ancient law is sound. However, the Han Kim, tellurium (mi di) and Wang Mang has killed the son, the law does not concern themselves. The old society drowning girl laws however asked. But in the ten commandments, God forbid kill, kill their children are not permitted. The seventh commandment not to steal. It also provides that a person willing to go in your orchard fruits, not to steal. He has the right to forbid eating deterrent. This probably isn't as rich services. Enough, is not in a lift. From the above article, we'll bet: this law does not come from Merthyr, it comes from God. The ten commandments of God, is issued to the whole mankind a moral behavior, an active specification. To live in accordance with the specifications, will complete his life's mission, as God loves his children. Finally, rising to heaven. Otherwise, sooner or later was God of men. The ten commandments is God, not for a moment to people, and therefore, it is absolute, unconditional, everybody must comply with. In front of the ten commandments, the Minister of the people with the power of the Princes of full equality. The ten commandments, as society changes and changes in, nor to meet someone, a class. The main thrust of the ten commandments of love is not hate. On the love of God, loved the world that it's the main idea. The ten commandments is God for human beings, its contents will not put it in the spirit of makers face reflected in front of the entire human race. Only cling to the prejudice of oneThey cannot see. VIII. Catholic and science for a long time, because the Catholic people rumor, defamation, in some people do not know the truth in the eyes, causing a stubborn prejudices: Catholic is idealism, science is a materialist. Both incompatible and contradictory. That is the case? we all know that distinguish the idealism and materialism of standards depends on the material. Subjective idealism does not recognize the substance of it is that the substance, the outside world are a combination of my feelings, or is my heart's "create", and no matter. Or think: I think it, it didn't exist. Or think: I now see, is the dream, is not there, and cannot get out of my consciousness. Objective idealism, for example, Hegel, that the material is the spirit and philosophy of the pure concept deepening. We advocate for these are Catholic. We believe that the material is actually exist. And out of people's consciousness. Precisely because it exists, it has movement patterns, it has a wonderful performance, it is sometimes also showed some science can't explain, we get a glimpse of the God-creator. We firmly believe that the universe is God really made their run of regularity is God. He is not a product of human consciousness, not a combination of human feelings, he is not a philosophy, the spirit of things, it would not be God. We have already proved the existence of God, our personal experience of God's comfort and strength, therefore, we believe in God, how could this be idealism? we felt before God, God, Ricoh has proven too pious religious life they can experience the grace of God. How can this figment of the documentary, blind speaking a par of idealism? if you who insist on truth as idealism, his freedom, but if he wants to use the idealism of the hat to scary this is. "Science is a materialist. "What is the meaning of this proposition? if means scientific research material and law, I applaud; if the means of scientific materialism is one thing, I do not dare to blind obedience. Materialism that there is no God, spirit, from substances that, beyond reproach. But if in one hand and stick in one hand and hat, it's not good. The truth is suppressed, scared. For a long time, the Catholic innocent hat with idealism, Catholic development as usual, this would not be strange indeed to not blame!, because a hat to fool anyone. Want to party, in the end can only cover their eyes ��. Then, the relationship between the Catholic and science? Catholic think science research material and movement are from God. Therefore, we attach great importance to science. We believe that science is not only to human interests seeking an endless, but also the God of creation traces of action refers to us. Is not exaggerated to say that science is the study of philosophy and theology from another side of God. It is precisely for this reason, the Catholic priest scientists there. They studied astronomy, mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry, geology ... Through advanced scientific research, their awareness of God. Numerous scientists, because glimpse secrets of science, faith more devout. Newton, Mendel, Pasteur, Thomas Edison, who is a great example. In the roster, scientists did not believe God, very few. In the past, even more so today. When the people do not understand what the so-called science philosophers, shattering their fabricated implacably opposed to science and religion, myth of scientists are dedicated kneeling in front of Yahweh God, pray to be godly. If these philosophers I really have eyes without bead, do not see the irony of the situation, others see it? it is because of the importance of science so vigorously promoted Catholic is that founded the science of numerous universities, academies of science. In China, the Catholic Church founded three universities (Liberation of Beijing Fu Jen Catholic University, Shanghai Aurora University and Tianjin Jin sell University). An Observatory, many libraries. But the founder of modern science, is a large number of Catholic priests and Catholic Xu guangqi, etc. They were in the late Ming and early Qing in Europe belong to advanced science and technology to China, but have not been given the attention they deserve. We respect science, however, did not want to take something away from science to science. We believe that the universe, another world, the vast majority of phenomenon can also be explained by science. However, there are also individual imagination, do not fall within the scope of scientific research. In some cases, God can show the miracle, break the scientific law, on some miracles that science cannot explain. The word "ears" just an outgoing, some people think this is out of science, was a hoax. God seems to talk to these people on the spot, let this miracle appears everywhere. What is more, someone can partition across the belly look at Lung, but scientific critics speechless. They saw the miracle, still refuse to believe. They say that this is not a miracle. This is the body of supernatural power. Such as: the body structure is specific, but where's the ESP? they are speechless. These people live and see things, about the problems with a first-in bias: "there is no God." No wonder, they request wonders; saw the miracle was denied. Because they would rather die not abandoning a premise: "there is no God." Kind-hearted people from real life, from historical records, will find some science cannot explain the phenomenon. These phenomena are also proof of the existence of God. To sum up, we can see: the Catholic Church and the science of complementary and not contradictory. And those used to stick the science as to beat people who once science against them, they'll sell the science. Their long suppressed "gene on the" long-term reject "the Big Bang cosmology," and has refused to admit the early scientific conclusion final ruins of the "substance". To be fair, who oppose science? 9. Catholic and China, in China, a lift Catholic, people think of imperialism, as with the imperialist gunboat, by dint of the imperialist forces, service for imperialist aggression. Therefore, in order to ascertain the truth, I put the Catholic China historical sketch, for a simpleIn retrospect, it is very necessary. Historical records from a branch of the Catholic Church �C Nestorian, early on into our country. At that time nearby Chang'an and its establishment of a number of churches, the poet Li Bai, famous generals I is said to have had contact with the priest. At that time some of the Tang dynasty, but also to the country of Jesus. Unfortunately, Wu Zong Emperor destroying Buddhism, Nestorian also prohibited. Failure to disseminate it. The Yuan dynasty, Beijing, Quanzhou and other places with the Catholic Bishops, priests. Followers of thousands, for various reasons, did not continue down. The Ming dynasty, the father of Assisi's ? sand Spain don't talk like China missionary, died in shangchuan. The time of his death, in Italy there is a baby was born, this is the Matteo Ricci. He came to preach at people who are interested in. Adult back into the society of Jesus, when the priest, accompanied by several colleagues, to China. Since he brought Western advanced science, Emperor courtesy. At that time Prime Minister XU guangqi, Li Zhi ZAO mountain have native traditions. Since then, the Catholic Church on the contribution of China has done a lot, as follows: first, the advanced science and technology into China. In the Chinese cultural sector began the role of enlightenment. They master qintianjian, reform for the length of the observation, prediction of corrosion loss astronomical phenomena. Draw maps, the math books into Chinese. Because at that time, the Ming dynasty, the continual assault, is in turmoil, their contribution is not being taken seriously. Second, the Emperor of the Qing dynasty was established in Russia to the East, in the event of a conflict with China. In order to resolve the dispute, the two countries in Siberia of Nebuchadnezzar Chu is a contract, the provisions of the Treaty: the East of Lake Baikal, this is China and Russia of a treaty. Catholic priests Xu Yun, Xu Sunrise as Attach��, translators and Emperor Kangxi's blue-eyed boy, the signing of the Treaty has a tremendous role. Third, the Catholic Church in China held a large number of educational institutions. Shanghai Aurora, Tianjin sell, Beijing Fu Jen University as well as three quite a number of Chinese culture. Shanghai Xujiahui's Observatory, Tianjin Museum of Xinjiang on scientific research. Catholic secondary schools in China, to name but a few. Fourth, the Catholic Church in China held a number of charities. There are many nursing homes, orphanages. Someone picked up the boxer's teeth, slander Catholic asile kills orphans, very funny. They don't know: the orphans grew to get married and have a strong faith, family, and they are the backbone of the Catholic Church, which they can maim? in addition, the creation of a lot of hospitals and clinics. 5. Catholic on the North of China near the Mongolian Su, hot, notes, sui, Kyrgyzstan and other provincial development, contribution to painstaking efforts. Where do education, hospitals, and dissemination of advanced farming methods, so that the edges of the cultural level behind provinces, rapidly increased. Sixth, it was called Catholics not patriotic, this is a misunderstanding. End of the Qing dynasty in Guangxi's wing calendar Imperial Emperor, many Catholics. Previously, Xu guangqi, thing of Catholics forces main Qing dynasty, as national advice. The anti-Japanese war, Thunder far priest stress outraged, decided to put its leadership by Yiu Chinese brothers of hundreds of monks and all the faithful will be formed rescue team, found in the crossfire, greatly encouraged by the Chinese people's determination to win the war. The internal name Confucianism xiangbo, strongly advocated the war due to the rescue of forbidden Shen Jun-ju, such as seven gentlemen. He advocates: on hold a rifle bullet, fired a shot of external at a bomb. Because of Markov was also a lot of opposition, and more according to law, the ascent to a corresponding call, man. This led to the credit of the national war, reminiscent forever. Patriot is the glorious tradition of Catholics. France national hero Joan of arc to a young girl, in the autumn of ethnic peril, to serve the country, led the army against the invaders, the country gave, finally captured by the stake. Lay dying, constantly shouting the name of Jesus, the Church has finally been set for the Saints. South America revolted Spain colonial rule of Saint Martin, is a devout Catholic. The assassination of Prime Minister Ito Hirobumi Japan, Chong-root, is Korea's Catholics; his death, also pick up your confess sacred things. When Germany fascist invasion of France, the mainstay of Catholics, de Gaulle, mighty and unyielding, and eventually leading the enemy rose liberated country. To cite only a few cases above, it is sufficient to prove that the attitude of the Catholic country. 7. the early Qing dynasty, who covet our coastal Netherlands, soup to Mella was the Imperial Court, expose their conspiracy, pointed out that they "library" of hypocrisy, the Court does not have the chance. Admittedly, in the Catholic Church in China in four hundred years old, there are some unpleasant chapter, I do not intend to cover up. On the contrary, I would like to inquire into the profound investigation of the matter, with a view to identify the necessary conclusions and experience. 1. after the opium war, France and China in the Treaty, often containing the terms of the freedom to preach, how to recognize the Qing Government was extremely?, external servile, Catholic priests are wantonly killing. At that time, France and opposition, are Catholic. To a cult mentality, all hope of spreading wide Yang, Gentiles naturalization to Jesus. Therefore, the Treaty will be so. Second, the anti-Japanese war, Manchukuo in Japan was established under the wing of eggs, Germany, Italy, all of it. The Holy see to recognize it, to explain how this? for centuries, the rulers of Japan on Catholic eyes together. Japan Contemporary Catholic poor uprising, had been subjected to brutal suppression. Japan's martyr martyrs, hundreds of thousands of dollars. Therefore, the rulers of Japan and the Catholic no common language. Manchukuo was glamorous, the puppet on the cruelty against the Catholic Church in Northeast China, open instructions: to get the Holy see on the recognition of Manchukuo. The Pope as far back as the Vatican Palace, the whip of Japan people, he could have on Japan's unreasonable demands ignore, however, Pope-read the situation of the poor in the northeast of the faithful, not taste, sleep disturbed, finally willing to sacrifice his own fame, in exchange for peace of the Church, the Northeast reluctantly acknowledged Manchukuo. Delegation was a Bishop for foreign diplomatic representatives. If anyone was at Catholic, I advised him to review the past. Establishment of the Soviet Union, Lenin force measly with Germany, who has entered into a contract of Brest, cut away a large territory. This how to explains? under the auspices of the Lenin, Soviet Russia recognized in Chita region, the establishment of the Republic of the far East, and how to explain? there are some people that don't understand history reminds us of the right to change the reason, and without a minimum standard of right and wrong, single bite, it will be messyStyle is not good. Stalin's recognition of Manchukuo, they ten know?, how to treat other religious Catholic? argued that Catholic and other religious is implacably opposed to the life-and-death opposition, but they can attack each other in inter-religious day after sitting was worsening. This is wrong, that hope is bound to fail. Catholic respect other religions to persuade people to do good efforts; we also believe that all serious religious formation, existence, development and renewal, has God's meaning in it. On certain philosophical and educational groups, we do not hold no denying the attitude. We believe that God is the God of the Gentiles. God does not love Catholic, also love he made everyone, hope that every nation gets rid of evil, even sent some of the Saints, the wise men to teach, to persuade people. Based on this understanding, we believe in Jesus the previous four or five hundred years, on the occasion of the Chinese Confucian (advocate benevolent; others what ourselves), India has Sakyamuni's Buddhism (advocates compassion, killing, lover), Greece of Socrates (advocate spirit character, lover), the three philosophies and religious factions, namely in Europe and Asia and has taught people to do good and avoid evil. They appear similar to the approximate age, advocates, and this is coincidence? this several so-called superstructure, is only used when the local economic base to explain at the time of the economic base,? the Chinese are different from Greece, India and Nepal and Greece is different. We believe in the future is a great educative role of three of the philosophy and religious denomination, with five or six century b.c. when the Jewish prophets that appears in, is the saviour of mankind �� Jesus to collar. They are the pioneers of Christ, the Catholic pioneer Catholic produce temporary agent before, when you have not yet spread throughout the Catholic Church is a necessary complement. As such, we respect the Jewish Prophet, respect of Confucius, Buddha and Greece in respect of philosophers. We believe they have discovered or indicated in some of the truth. In understanding and accepting the Catholic faith, according to their teachings, in conscience, do not be evil, much good after death will also have a good ending. Of course, once the Catholic came, they did not continue to exist and function. Because they only have partial truth, there is also a part of the fallacy. If the Confucianism, Buddhism, Greece three factions is the advent of the Catholic Church, the great, Judaism is the predecessor of the Catholic Church. Jesus founded Catholic, not deny it, but to fulfill it. The Jews have so far refused to acknowledge that Jesus is the Savior, still waiting for the coming of the Savior, we can only regret. We respect their religious feelings, their Bible is our ancient Meridian (Old Testament), their Holy Saint John was our ancestors, their God is our God, who is also the commandment of our commandments. We believe that this "strange" people will know Jesus, Jesus, and thus converts recognized Catholic. Orthodox factions led by some bishops from Catholics. They are our brothers, emotional intimacy, as if the hand and foot. Many parts of the Orthodox Church to return to the embrace of the Catholic Church. In Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, India and other countries that have large numbers of Eastern rite Catholic churches. This is a good place to start. The wording of this point, the author with a happy mood and recall in the early 1950 's, occurred in Beijing a few things: how many times, the Sunday morning, the Catholic Church was packed with, sometimes the Orthodox Bishop of Beijing, Catholic Bishops, and knelt down in front side-by-side offering prayer. Seeing this, many people moved to tears. In the vicinity of Beijing's Orthodox Church, Salesians of Council homes per month 24,-King St., brethren came in droves to worship into kyonosuke Notre Dame, the courtyard, the kneeling with people passing by, the sound of battles. Orthodox Bishop, came to cheese, together with all the respect of Notre Dame. Orthodox brethren religious enthusiasm not extraordinary. The Soviet Revolution more than half a century, their faith has not eliminated, in recent years back into a prairie fire. Easter in the church there are five, 60 million. We believe that sooner or later, we have the same goal a stack, a shepherd in total. The Protestant, are led by a priest from split, the Catholic Church (Episcopal Church in the United Kingdom) or they created by clerics. Today they are vast areas of the world to proclaim Jesus, Gospel, flaring up warm, do not avoid hard, there have been many heroic missionary deeds. They cover off seven sacraments, allow Catholics to divorce, not to Jesus, to them, we ought to brother, striving in one. United Kingdom's Anglican Church is King split from Catholic rigid, the creed of the Church, the sacraments, rites are similar with the Catholic Church. Therefore, in unity, would walk in front of the other churches. Create Islamic Expatica has taught at a branch of the Catholic Church �C Nestorian. In Jewish and Catholic Bible basis independent religious, abandoned the incomprehensible God the Trinity doctrine, abandoned the Catholic monogamous strictly religious, resumed the practice of Judaism synchronization retaliation. His Jewish holy fathers are respected, the Virgin Mary Roman Catholic Church, St. John, and Jesus are respected. However, you acknowledge that Jesus is God the son, did not recognize Jesus was nailed to death. Think nail bitter shelf is a traitor still DAS, but Jesus miraculously escaped. Islamic teachings and our similar. Today's world there are six 750 4 people are on the way respectful of God in Islam. There are numerous, devout Christians. We respect them and hope they more fervent admiration only Allah, according to conscience, keep the commandments of the Church of the good. Historically, the various sects had to arms, war of hills, to bring our followers should not have pain. This is a sad thing, this kind of tragedy, the future can not be repeated. (4 according to the 2008 March 30, the observer, 2006 Islam about 12 billion, representing global 19.2% �C Editor's note) any religion, if it can lead people good, Catholics there is no reason not to respect it. Confucian advocate "Cultivation of education ", are right. Religion, in addition to the guidance of God, people respect is to help human accomplishment of morality. Followers of ethical standards is one of the religion of the ruler. Some religious, tall tales, contrary to nature, and God made a ghost, deceptive money, political dependence. In fact, this is not a religion, not to guide people in awe of God, accomplishment of moral character. For them, without comments. Finally, to the vast number of people without religion, I would like a word: we believe that the Catholic God is your God. You for various reasons, do not believe in religion, we are constantly setting you will go to hell after death. We believe that as long as the conscience, get rid of a born illnesses, carry forward the innate excellence, do good to others, you will get the dying God's light, know God, and thereby be saved soul. Of course, since my life inevitably has this or that defects and errors, the soul of a dirty, in heaven, necessary to withstand a long period of purgatory, to compensate for the loss of life, in order to purify their soul. 11. Catholic replies in the last few years, Europe some people works attack Catholic books have been translated into Chinese and a large number of the release. This issue of the countless to front the Chinese Catholics. At the same time, also not know the inside story of the Chinese intelligentsia heart curtain, painted a picture of Catholic comic. However, clarify the refutation, nowhere to go, said that the respondent's book, not published. Words: Catholicism only scolded obligations, without the right to also say. Note: all of these should be translated to anti Catholic books, in Europe, in the opinion of the powerful Catholic counterattack, already placed. Because there, they can be published, Catholic books can also be published, in contrast, the lies from breaking. Today in our China thought what a bit on their own doctrines have self-confidence, dare to European Catholic rebuttal works translated into Chinese? claiming to be a quest for truth, a comparison of two books, to see, not much easier to discover truth? we'd follow the estuary known as dragons ye. For Catholics, the residual troops foe lightly. On the one hand, not sure of, is not reading; on the other hand, the truth, to consciously assume the responsibility of combat heresy. For single Christians, those books are ugly, like the plebiscite, can reset to kill people's beliefs. However, for the illumination by the Holy Spirit Church throughout China, they do not however able to beat and should beat, must ultimately defeated. Said earlier, the Catholic Church in China is not the initial phase, we do not however universal Catholic Church, an integral part of, and there are countless ancestors in heaven, and they will pray for us, God the Holy Spirit does not leave us. Thus, in Europe and on the battlefield of the defeat, in China cannot long run wild. Limited space, only to slander us several questions, a brief rebuttal. First, the virgin birth issues of virginity, Catholic shrines, Saint-the resurrection of the flesh is anti Catholic Knights of his weapons. In their view, all of which, contrary to the scientific, flimsy. Our answer is: If you do not recognize the existence of God, let's first talk about this question; if you admit that God exists, then the above issues, in theory, is hosted by the day and is in fact true. God can never fabricated in the universe, not a Virgin Net blood spanning a baby? if you say, two things that are more difficult to solve it? s a problem, the above problem is solved. Second, many raised against Catholic books, the Bible and Science today. The Bible in the ancient via written in three thousand years ago, the author of the Bible is not a speaking of science, but rather on God, save souls respectfully, that is religion, not science books. In writing, you run into problems involving science, authors can only at local level of scientific knowledge to writing, but cannot span times. If the Bible involve science place wrote and 20th-century science. I ask: twenty centuries ago, the subsequent century people, how the writing of the Bible? to speak politely God, rather than scientific, we can't because of some of the science place does not comply with today's science and gave up it's forever unchanging respectful of God's truth. A lazy boy, sleep to ten at not getting up in the morning. Mother said: "the Sun is rising so high up, hurry up!" the children replied: "I don't listen to you, because you do not meet the science. Not the sun rise, but the rotation of the earth around the Sun to go to the location at ten. "The child is ridiculously funny? he did not understand his mother's theme:" fast get up! "he only emphasized his mother out of science" the Sun is rising so high here. "Life without stupid boy, there is such a" philosopher ". They hold the Bible if Su Erskine said: "the Sun stopped at Bay!! Moon! stop in Departamento long Valley!" (in the Bible �� if Su Earl book of 10 chapters 12 section) and today the science does not want to negate the Bible. Understand this truth that says to "heart" and "geocentric" on the other, Galileo will have a clear vision. Third, the Bible 6 made heaven and Earth. Science believes that the formation of the universe takes a long time, how do you explain this? the Bible says is six hours on 6 paragraphs, not six days. We know that the day is the rotation of the earth around the Sun in one week. Just imagine: not made before the Sun and the Earth, where the concept of a day? first day made the day (Shen's in the Bible �� Genesis Chapter 1-1 of 5), this is certainly not today said the 24-hour day is a time period. The paragraphs often understand the matter and! save souls, therefore, the Bible does not write the details. Even if you write, then people wouldn't believe. Merthyr wrote this section of the Bible is to allow Israel to comply with God's Sabbath. Merthyr would like to say is: God work six days and rested the seventh day after day, we were in the primary. 4. Ireland is calculated for a bishop appears in human beings only on Earth for thousands of years. This does not comply with the science, how to interpret the Bible has a from?, Adam to Jesus's immediate origin roll.(Parameter's in the Bible �� Martha sinus Gospel law 1 Chapter 1-section 16, the Bible �� Luke, Chapter 3, section 23-38) according to this projection, only reached mankind for thousands of years of history. However, the Bible says "some of the b, b, c, and had a ..." later found out that many of the great-grandfathers is omitted, there was great-grandchildren, and generations of people's names are omitted. Later also found out that some "gave birth to a a person b," and here's an a and b is not a personal name, is a national, two people separated by thousands of years. Therefore, we say, a Bishop of Ireland (Anglican) introduced God created heaven and Earth to today only seven thousand years, is wrong. The Bible records that roll, just to show that Jesus is the man, the son of man, is up to the future generations, not Ve Wong made detailed records of history. 5. church history a fault, this how? we recognize in the teachings of the Church can never be wrong, however, since the middle ages, the Church has vast territorial jurisdiction, is a country in the country's administration, justice and foreign affairs activities, if certain errors occur, it is inevitable, it is understandable. Without a fuss. 6. Catholic people, including senior leaders, sometimes bad row, how to explain? we believe anyone can crime. Who had committed the crime, by his own risk. Catholic people of evil that cannot be an excuse to attack Catholic, only from the back of that God always protecting this church, otherwise, the advanced people vices would have destroyed the Church. 7. many people attack the Trinity doctrine that unreasonable, this how to explains Germany philosopher Kant genius? demonstrated the limitations of human awareness. One reason is finite, God is infinite. To a limited number of containers to hold the infinite knowledge, is a foolhardy. To limited rationality cannot understand the infinite God, and not brazen. If you understand them thoroughly, it was not reasonable. From the Catholic doctrine of the Trinity, we can see that the Catholic Church is not a human creation, is God's creation. If you are the person who created the creator has the medium of intelligence, not so easily accepted doctrines laid down to allow people to faith. 8. Some say Catholic domination of medieval Europe, is a dark period of stagnation. Political development, science is not progress. We do not look at it this way. Stand in the position of the people, we think that age is the age of happiness, the majority of the people in the vineyards, the olive tree was a quiet idyllic life, no wars, no separation. Of course, from the standpoint of historians, that time is not good, there is nothing to remember. For historians, the more random the better, the more good fight for agitation. They hold up health flower pen, Syria also translation, both ways. If there is no war, a blank sheet of paper, write? write emperors have bread lunch, evening drink milk? look at the three countries, see Zhuge Liang sent troops to battle killed Wei soldiers that equals 3000, best battle kill him thirty is interesting. However, three countries of people if you are in the CAO ying, when a soldier, or being a relative of the Wei soldiers, you don't want. Similarly, no God of historians if born in medieval Europe, he need to change the comments on the society. Medieval science is true than today. Today, just invented the radar, and invented the rocket; just invented the atomic bomb, and invented the hydrogen bomb. Have just invented a missile, and invented the laser weapons. However, this kind of scientific advancement, give the people what benefits? kind-hearted readers, in this issue, some philosophers, historians, inadvertently exposing his wolves tail, they may be credited to a history, a man can write, always put people's lives and stability bleed less era known as the dark and stagnation. 9. someone called Catholic idealism, instead of science. On this analysis, as already. Those who criticize Catholic idealism, often their idealism, subjective and one-sided. Some even only confused, Hun, their scientific knowledge but also the level of the 19th century, they right scientists universally recognized the beginning, the universe is finite, the material universe eventually disappear, refused to recognize. They should from the 19th century up to the hut, breathing in a few bites of 20th-century science of fresh air. 12. the fate of the Chinese Catholic Catholicism has been in China for three times. The former two are ended in a thorough destruction, this time? this time has lasted for four hundred years. Christians reached four million. Four hundred years, although the storms despite repeated, yet managed to degrees. Still, the Catholic Christians are the brunt of varying degrees of affected by the impact. One by one into a bow, that time seems to have done down Chinese Catholics. However, still, but in the past. Roll out the dark cloud in the sky, sind tells us that this is just a temporary phenomenon. Chinese Catholics won't like the two previous perished, as the following reasons: first, the Church of four hundred years many martyrs, their blood will not have died in vain. They are descendants of prayer is powerful and effective. They, along with our other ancestors in heaven will not be abandoned to their descendants. Second, the Catholic Church in China is an integral part of the global Catholic. Ecumenical prayer and merit given to flow into the body of the Church in China. These prayers and merit support, the Church will be in China. Third, the Chinese believers, there has been 100 years of religious history, they are not the letter, but a Catholic priest. The priest was gone, they are still within the life of the faithful, they are good at putting Subh Po to their inferiors. Measure a Catholic is good or bad, there are many standards, however, one of the most important thing is: he is his own beliefs to their children. You can really say for sure: a Catholic, eventually, come to trial before God, for their children's education or not, is a very important trial content. If he fails to bring own beliefs exactly to his inferiors, God told him not qingrao. Fourth, the Catholic Church in China, refers to both the Church of mainland China, including Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and overseas Chinese in believers. These people are our flesh, they miss us, and we miss them. We hope that theNational early reunification, politicians give up to forgive and forget to put the entire country, from both the interests of the people, to reach an understanding as soon as possible, with a view to an early reunion brothers. When continental churches in pause, they should not be sleeping, there should be sought. They and we have the spirit of, external inextricably linked. Therefore, we say: Chinese Catholics will perish, Alpine in the past, is flat, storm, day will clear up. The future of the Chinese Catholic? Chinese Catholic development, in theory, and God's meaning. In fact, depend on the actions of the Chinese Christians. Say, did not conflict. Because first, God's Holy which means always to lend a hand to be realized. Second, God willing to let the people involved in the cause of his salvation. It is difficult to envisage such a huge country, Catholic News, can only rely on the strength of several saints. Sage is a necessary but not sufficient. We will need tens of thousands of devout men and women, the faithful, they should have the enthusiasm, moral, cultural, Catholic truth and be good at speaking out. They are the pillars of the Church, the pillar of the faithful; they both need to pray, and action. Just pray, suffering is not enough. Otherwise, Matteo Ricci to China? prayer, in Europe is not too easy? example needed, but it is not enough, it is said that in the street and take a trip is made a sermon. That is the case, also read theology, philosophy? should use all the time, all the way to the truth can be injected after listening to each other; if not the letter, at least, not that we it is superstition, is foolish. Teach outsiders, kind-hearted, though, they have a quest for truth, why not go to meet their requirements?, its not very good at propaganda, they said it is useless to preach extremely bad practice, extremely confused. Each Catholic is the Gospel of bounden duty. They should put their faith and good deeds of optical radiation, the exposure time to pray; and g bitter, example, speech contribution to teach foreign compatriots, so that they know the truth and be saved soul. Jesus said: "the light is not on the bushel, but rather on the lampstand, to illuminate the whole family. "If our lovable motherland, from East to West, from South to North, lit up hundreds of thousands of faith and good deeds for lights, the development of the Chinese Catholic corner; the future of the Chinese Catholic, more light. Readers, do you wish when such a lamp of faith? Catholic truth; founded by God, the Catholic Church is God guarding: see above as the Catholic silhouettes, I described the conclusion that it is not too early? this has spread throughout Europe and America, the Catholic Church, also be spread through Asia, China will be no exception. For an independent-minded, the value of life seriously, the question now is: in the Catholic Church is committed to the Chinese people's morality is in front of the great cause, stand by? Mantis car or help with individual hand? someone said: "China's emergence of preaching home sooner. These people will definitely push the value of life to fellow speak clear and transparent. Then, led them from clay idols Mai, embarked on the road to eternal life. "Readers, hope you become such a missionary family. ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ �� �� ��wbr>�����죬���ؽ����񸸡� Pseudonym Valley hidden, small I, am, etc. 1934 was born in Hebei xianxian (now in the case of Cang). 1955 graduated from the Beijing 39 high school (formerly Hsintien secondary school), in preparation of convent. The cultural revolution in the sentencing verse wrote a large number of 15 years. 1968 to 1980, after teaching a free school and a university employees. 1989 the position of lecturer at xianxian along convent. 1992 candidates to Shijiazhuang, n. sind "reported that at the same time in taught Hebei Seminary. . 1996 must resign. At this point the Sindhi "reported by 3000 per month out of small children long become monthly out of the 5 million copies in the prime of life. In January 1998, Jin-duo in Taiwan the witness magazine, yishi weekly magazine of the society, the Heng-Yi digest and the Messenger from the press, publication, or published some poems. Published in the Church of the God within the ten commandments for advising shrines in the seven holy shrines in the story of the Roman Catholic view of life "and other books. In 2007, and the parish priest-Li Hui Bianjiao district internal publications "Jamie". Now, over writing career.

