
Football's phantom--Chinese soccer diagnostic report _ baixiang

Football-Phantom of Chinese soccer diagnostic report bugar Xu XING s King: quote of the Chinese football philosophy Chinese football is not a "kick" to inherit and develop, but the import of modern football. This reality makes a revolt of the Chinese football, that is the philosophy of traditional culture and modern culture of protest, the colonial background of cultural resistance and nationalism awakening. This not to be reason of feelings, so that our football mind is with some dark color. As we said natural immunity, so that we could not form a unified football, forming a joint force, also not a commitment to football development team, however broadly or narrowly the point of view. Football's national character: after the founding of the ideological conflict no longer become an objective reality, so a lot of content returned to the football itself. This situation created the Championship, football, and even the image of the football program. Therefore, once the Chinese football received a setback, reflection of national is quite fierce, with the destruction of nature. So, no one will be able to defend our football, football's self-defence into mental masturbation, quixotic became the universal principle of football. Even more sadly, we don't even know it. It is only a son "was struck" into the "not worthy sons also lost, lost his father's face !" both content deviated from the Football Foundation for regression mass but ultimately, the Chinese soccer philosophy or philosophical belonging to civilians, does not include the right of the political system. On the one hand, the establishment of soccer did not mature development system, the Chinese soccer in out nationwide system after entering the left track. However, the fact that football is off. Therefore, it becomes a great contradiction. The second is the real football also became the mass return of civic participation in a project. Power complex: concern about China's football people have this question: why billion Chinese people not to come out on selected 11 a good player? this is a contradiction. Here is a paradox: 13 million people of the great powers need to be able to reflect the demeanour of football scores, however, is 13 million population of the country, and every game has only 11 personal competition, not on 13 million people. 13 million for football what exactly can? of course are sporting the most valuable resources. However, this concept must have resources to 13 million people. If limited to nationwide system of some people, in fact, is the most abandoned, so this kind of talent will be unable to play. China sports talent from a resource point of view is very strong. China can produce Liu Xiang, to produce so many Olympic champions, we Chinese are able to achieve good physical development. However, why is there no more Liu Xiang? why not easily get the Olympic gold medal winner in sports we also do not have the resources to build a better system, to mobilize these resources. From Asia, China is of course the physical power. Therefore, as the football, but also in Asia and the results match, become Asia's top teams. However, there is the special football really, just from the victory on the outcome of the analysis, football is also a lot of chance. However, in General, if the Chinese football can reflect China's position in the Asian sports, overdue breakthrough, but not even the Qatar are breakthrough. Chapter 1, section 1: understanding and grasping the significance of the football rules, chapter I, section II: football rules of connotation and denotation embodied in section III, Chapter 1: football resources and football resources configuration chapter IV: Soccer culture and cultural characteristics of football, chapter I, section 5: China player Analysis chapter II, section 1: the history of the Chinese football revisited in section II of chapter II: cultural heritage and traditional Chinese football, chapter III: the reform of the Chinese football, chapter III, section 1 meaning: Chinese football in sports status Analysis chapter III section II: Chinese football faces the problem of institutions and mechanisms, chapter III, section III: the crux of the Chinese football and problem analysis, chapter III, section IV: Luneng football experience and inspiration from the first section of chapter IV: what results can represent the results of the Chinese football? Chapter 4 section 2: what experiences and lessons from the best summary and lessons? Chapter 4 section 3: key for these problems cause?: the first section of chapter v of the nationwide system of Chapter 5, section 2: how to understand the Chinese market of football?, chapter v, section III: market is achieved popularity? chapter IV: it is important to recognize the football infrastructure Chapter 6 section 1: learn advanced experience must adhere to the Reformation ideas section II of chapter VI: the study of advanced experience must keep Chinese characteristics section III, chapter VI: the study of advanced experience must have advanced concepts chapter VII, section 1: professional football is part of the entire football system in Chapter 7, section II: a correct view on the market of professional football in the seventh chapter III: focus on professional football fans are the basic requirements of section I of Chapter VIII: youth football talents and human value development chapter VIII, section II: Chinese youth culture of success and failure in section III of Chapter VIII of experience: youth football talent is a professional football and the popular football Chapter 9, section 1: the Chinese soccer opportunities Analysis chapter 9, section II: Chinese football faces the dilemma of the culture and spirit of section III, chapter IX: seize the opportunity to go out of the predicament of Chapter 10, section 1: nobody can abandon China football section II of Chapter 10: Chinese football is bound to push the full liberalization of the chapter and section III: to develop the Chinese football new development strategy

