
Russia agreed to the price of natural gas transmission and China discount agreements intended to enjoy the next sign _ Zhang Lu

China economic NET on November 24 daily reports (Wang Hong-Juan), the Moscow Times reported today that Russia's Prime Minister Vladimir Putin (Vladimir Putin) Tuesday that Russia's natural gas export price negotiations have made headway, the fastest of the two countries will sign the agreement in the next year. Putin and visit of Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao held a meeting to media that Russia's natural gas industrial company and China Petroleum natural gas group progress of negotiation between very smoothly, Russia's natural gas exports will be as originally planned. Vladimir Putin and Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao on Tuesday in St. Petersburg City on the southern outskirts of the city history of Turquoise NA (Strelna) held talks, the two leaders will strengthen Sino-Russian economic and trade exchanges, and Russia's natural gas prices and other transportation issues. The Moscow Times reported that, according to Russia's President Medvedev (DmitryMedvedev) earlier this year when China access agreement, Russia will play from 2015 through Altai pipeline to China transport 300 billion cubic meters of natural gas. The report said that Russia's natural gas prices lose negotiations as early as 2006 began, but hasn't been able to reach an agreement. China demands Russia at the insist on transportation China natural gas prices in line with the European Foundation for the appropriate discount. After Russian in the talks agreed to give China price discounts and other promotions, but discounts and specific preferences are not yet determined. Participation in negotiations for Russia Deputy Prime Minister IgorSechin said: "the negotiations progress smoothly, all in accordance with the original plan. "He said:" it is expected that Russia will be in agreement on natural gas prices. "China's National Energy Board, Deputy Director, International Division, Gu Chun said on November 18, China supply pipeline transportation of natural gas, and Russian in pricing still have their differences, the differences between the two sides to every 1000 cubic meters of natural gas at $ 100. According to the China economic NET, October 2009, China Petroleum natural gas group company and Russia's natural gas industrial AG is the supply of natural gas reached a framework agreement. Under the agreement, in the East gas pipeline opened after Russia every year to conveying 700 billion cubic meters of natural gas. 1 November of this year, the oil pipeline between China and Russia have entered the pilot phase. January 1, 2011, and Russia will fulfil each of the 15 million tons of oil.

