
�� Go �� University Professor Zheng Qiang striking quotations! _1767339195 boiling!

1. we ignored the historical value, the more new buildings for the better, but you look at the Centre of France, hardly any new buildings, with their proud historical accumulation, and we are continually building demolition to toss your own. 2. educational vocation is a living, but rather to evoke interest, inspired by the spirit. To earn a living through education and developed is also acceptable, but we have excessive attention. 3. Japan people prefer like black and I don't like us, because now the Chinese who do not have the spirit. 4. everyone is laughing at Russia, but I know that Russia will be developed in the future, because there were 2 days without lunch queue still hungry, but we have 2 individual has to squeeze of a bee. 5. Japan people violating us because we had many traitors. Japan's invasion in the future, we will not be a traitor, and who will be the future Chinese traitor? here's a big part of you will be. Because you laugh at Patriot, worship of power and money, making his ideals and aspirations. 6. who is the traitor?, Tsinghua University, Peking University as students use their knowledge to help expand the market for foreigners, beat us China Enterprise 7. China even developed in the future, but you look at those open luxury car Tycoon from Extrovert spit out the window, throw garbage. You know, if there is no education, China will not be wealthy and powerful. 8. reading is to assume responsibility. But now the education let women take on too much responsibility, let a man to avoid too much responsibility. 9. actual human history, is a series of impulses. So please do not despise impulse because impulses are lovely. 10. China's basketball does not lack technology, not a lack of money, but they lack a sense of responsibility, even if it is the sense of responsibility to consumers. 11. singing voice with the breath, so it is not tired. When I see you talking larynx is fixed, I'll know that you sing is certainly not good. 12. the next 20 years, the Chinese people worship would be knowledge instead of officials. This is something we should learn to Japan, the nation's respect for knowledge, and incredibly good. But now in China is a bit of money, a little person--even if it was a Chief, or you can just put the University Professor makes no dignity. This looks like a clever clever, smugness of philistine, how shallow Ah. 13. a man, only you can give your own parents and wife kneel, can only bow to his teacher, absolutely should not bow to the power and money. But now, most people just the reverse. 14. Why did not apologize to Japan, Japan President why not admit? because they know that Japan human dignity and the history of the most important, on the contrary, other Asian dissatisfaction too no component, so they can be ignored. 15. education should let the Chinese know how self-esteem. But now we see that foreigners would bow, girls see foreign rubbish General men are trying to please. Comrades, in front of foreigners how we have no dignity. In the study of all the people of Tokyo University, I was the only back, but people actually respect I Japan, because I live with soul, live with backbone. Excerpt: "in the developing countries, you can build 10 world-class University, the United States number? Japan number? the actual situation is right now: the world's top 200 universities in China, a row not excreted in Asia can! several I looked out of the country, the feel you want to build a world-class University, Zhejiang University as communist ideals. "" Before saying that ' ignorance fearless ', but now are ' ignorance is fearless '. Many enterprises in Zhejiang Province, China technical supervision Bureau, the Science Committee, please come to eat a meal, drink a little wine, he'll give you a sign, then turn our Professor stress to go there, to give you a chapter, then is ' fill the blank, ' ' the international advanced level. Thesis is a ' internationally leading research results, ' ' the first scientific discovery, ' and so on. This is a very serious problem! as a University Professor, I am deeply concerned about the! this is not our responsibility, is our ignorance, is the leading advocate of this mainstream. I know everyone here the Director or the Veterans Day very sad because you do not write such a report, take no money, items are not approved, the same is true for the Professor, wrote reports every day, not in the lab down to properly engage in research, this is very serious! "" Our national realities and development is this: those who rely on, we can make your own creepy decent, such as 2-one, who can bring in, it is not as ... now many joint ventures in this way, selling something, but do not have to consider the deeper things. As everyone knows, this is the vicious cycle of society! "" I think: language, computer is a tool. China's foreign language Professor speaks English as farmers in the United States selling vegetables! how to look at the problem?, Dr, Professor Japan Germany speak English more is! how can we say that a person does not speak English are illiterate? language is a tool you no environment, he can speak the language? ...... If I were the Minister of education, I would like to reform the second matter. first, the abolition of CET. Are you a graduate student and even Chinese level failed, your English exam 6 stem? see postgraduate thesis, written in their own national culture did not learn, study English every day-tick tick: TOEFL, GRE tick, English exam very high distinction. To which to write English papers in front of me too got off? a gateway! so trained person capable of? themselves professional haven't learn! ... That is not the computer illiterate, this is another mistake! I'm now a Professor, I cannot get the computer lab! "" You see me, began to learn English from high school, College, master 's, doctoral studies, cost me much effort! you said that the Chinese do conclude that high-tech research results? I had learned these days my few female students, ask them what to do, see figure, all of this, that, to the United States to do? at home to do plenty of research English all day long!, United States people baoge are to receive your money, Japan man, Chinese students to Japan to have to pay fees to Japan to study is working for Japan, hard-earned one point money paying the fees, after reading Dr. in Japan's corporate office when labor, earn money back to home bought appliances, put your money in full to the Japan person�� You do not pay attention to this matter, there are economic issues. This is what is quality education. "" Of primary and secondary education is obedient, teacher tube ', ' students, children learned the way of life of adults. This is in spite of such compulsory! and did some good things, not to do and how to develop guidelines and only learned how to act, to please the teacher like, said adult words. Last broadcast was on TV, a baby got a prize, the poet asks his most willing to say anything, he said: "I am willing to follow the River Grandpa said: I come to you!" " Jiang Grandpa "who is it? also not taught the children in school! live very tired, to the University no one tube, so we play, we love. "" We have many students did well, but can't do anything. In our university like me this degree, doctoral student and is never see results, results in nothing! now I worked in this field in China, there are three outstanding talent, graduate students, make-up, and performance test of a few individuals but all went to the United States to sell medicines. This illustrates what the problem may make the boss's estate could not! ... Talent Echelon must be reasonable, but don't think Professor is the Almighty, Ph.d. is the Almighty. China's education system is to let every people are full of hopes and ideals, the education the children to lofty ideals. In fact, human capacity is not the same. Sweep the floor can sweep, also should be respected; clean the toilet to clean up, should be respected, cannot always be highly educated. I would like to remind that in foreign countries may not be the case. The United States, Japan, it is hard to find work, why? because boss distressed money, got to give him Dr. high wages, but he can do what? this is a specific problem. "" Technology is what the hell?, high-tech? if I was the Minister of science and technology, the game will play like Chen jingrun, he is playing is at Chen jingrun if! today's China, he's definitely going to the beggar, because he does not engage industry, his English is not good, he spoke not speak fluent Chinese is not good, as the "standard", he was an illiterate, but also on what Professor! Japan people just like the United States, Japan and I said unto you this nation who will assure you threw the bomb. Japan is like black people don't like Chinese ... ... I particularly on our women professors, female classmates said: in Japan in the presence of a word of Japanese, not, will not speak; Japan people hear you speak English, especially to see China girl speaks English, legs are made of soft, it's true! "" Chinese why these year to run, the most important thing is to make national own love their country ... If I was the Mayor of Hangzhou, I am not narrow-minded nationalist pride-if what disaster in Hangzhou, I would first of all the people of Hangzhou in Shangri-La, let foreigners queued outside! (Applause!) In this way, you will have your own country nationals love! a Japan farmers fled to Mount Emei is going to play, head broke, you use the Chinese air force helicopter to rescue him, but in Japan University a Chinese students in dormitories died 7 genius was found; a pair of Nagoya University PhD couples and children in China eating poisonous mushrooms, baby and mother died, his father is fulminant hepatitis, Nagoya University School of medicine-patient rooms by 12 hours, and no one came to visit Japan!, a professor and you why so friendly, that they are very generous, actually are people laughing at, laughed your ignorance! your nation *! we can't! our leaders go overseas to visit, to see several people to welcome them, they will feel quite look; but foreign to a personage, motorcades, this is what this gives us the Chinese feel is proud of all of these estates or sorrow, to education, are deep-seated problems. So I often say that I, as a natural science workers, my education, my students are learning to be first. Without these, you learned the polymer, foreign language are without substance. ��

