
Football baby Xu Dai-ni blogs encounter experience chest doors 「introduction photos 」 _ with l entertainment military PA Kua Ko

Not long ago, football baby Xu Dai ni statement in your own blog, claiming that his chest is genuine, not artificial forged. And argued that: "your eyes are not the myopia, or spent! didn't see my chest on vascular? if my chest is false, it will have vascular ?" name: Xu Dai ni height: 168cm weight: 48kg measurements: 86/63/88 profession: singer model actor <wbr> blog encounter experience chest doors 「introduction photos 」 "STYLE =" BorDer-Top-WiDTH: 0px; pADDinG-riGHT: 0px; pADDinG-LeFT: 0px; BorDer-LeFT-WiDTH: 0px; BorDer-BoTToM-WiDTH: 0px; pADDinG-BoTToM: 0px; MArGin: 0px; pADDinG-Top: 0px; LisT-sTYLe-TYpe: none; BorDer-riGHT-WiDTH: 0px "ALT =" football baby Xu Dai ni <wbr> blog encounter experience chest doors 「introduction photos 」 "src =" http://simg.sinajs.cn/blog7style/images/common/sg_trans.gif real_src = "http://static2.photo.sina.com.cn/middle/59a4ec12t910c6701fd11 & 690"/> <wbr> blog encounter experience chest doors 「introduction photos 」 "STYLE =" BorDer-Top-WiDTH: 0px; pADDinG-riGHT: 0px; pADDinG-LeFT: 0px; BorDer-LeFT-WiDTH: 0px; BorDer-BoTToM-WiDTH: 0px; pADDinG-BoTToM: 0px; MArGin: 0px; pADDinG-Top: 0px; LisT-sTYLe-TYpe: none; BorDer-riGHT-WiDTH: 0px "ALT =" football baby Xu Dai ni <wbr> blog encounter experience chest doors 「introduction photos 」 "src =" http://simg.sinajs.cn/blog7style/images/common/sg_trans.gif real_src = "http://static7.photo.sina.com.cn/middle/59a4ec12t910c672fce16 & 690 "/> <wbr> blog encounter experience chest doors 「introduction photos 」 "STYLE =" BorDer-Top-WiDTH: 0px; pADDinG-riGHT: 0px; pADDinG-LeFT: 0px; BorDer-LeFT-WiDTH: 0px; BorDer-BoTToM-WiDTH: 0px; pADDinG-BoTToM: 0px; MArGin: 0px; pADDinG-Top: 0px; LisT-sTYLe-TYpe: none; BorDer-riGHT-WiDTH: 0px "ALT =" football baby Xu Dai ni <wbr> blog encounter experience chest doors 「introduction photos 」 "src =" http://simg.sinajs.cn/blog7style/images/common/sg_trans.gif real_src = "http://static8.photo.sina.com.cn/middle/59a4ec12t910c675d9b17 & 690 "/> <wbr> blog encounter experience chest doors 「introduction photos 」 "STYLE =" BorDer-Top-WiDTH: 0px; pADDinG-riGHT: 0px; pADDinG-LeFT: 0px; BorDer-LeFT-WiDTH: 0px; BorDer-BoTToM-WiDTH: 0px; pADDinG-BoTToM: 0px; MArGin: 0px; pADDinG-Top: 0px; LisT-sTYLe-TYpe: none; BorDer-riGHT-WiDTH: 0px "ALT =" football baby Xu Dai ni <wbr> blog encounter experience chest doors 「introduction photos 」 "src =" http://simg.sinajs.cn/blog7style/images/common/sg_trans.gif real_src = "http://static15.photo.sina.com.cn/middle/59a4ec12t910c677c0e2e & 690 "/> <wbr> blog encounter experience chest doors 「introduction photos 」 "STYLE =" BorDer-Top-WiDTH: 0px; pADDinG-riGHT: 0px; pADDinG-LeFT: 0px; BorDer-LeFT-WiDTH: 0px; BorDer-BoTToM-WiDTH: 0px; pADDinG-BoTToM: 0px; MArGin: 0px; pADDinG-Top: 0px; LisT-sTYLe-TYpe: none; BorDer-riGHT-WiDTH: 0px "ALT =" football baby Xu Dai ni <wbr> blog encounter experience chest doors 「introduction photos 」 "src =" http://simg.sinajs.cn/blog7style/images/common/sg_trans.gif real_src = "http://static12.photo.sina.com.cn/middle/59a4ec12t910c67a9e31b & 690 "/> <wbr> blog encounter experience chest doors 「introduction photos 」 "STYLE =" BorDer-Top-WiDTH: 0px; pADDinG-riGHT: 0px; pADDinG-LeFT: 0px; BorDer-LeFT-WiDTH: 0px; BorDer-BoTToM-WiDTH: 0px; pADDinG-BoTToM: 0px; MArGin: 0px; pADDinG-Top: 0px; LisT-sTYLe-TYpe: none; BorDer-riGHT-WiDTH: 0px "ALT =" football baby Xu Dai ni <wbr> blog encounter experience chest doors 「introduction photos 」 "src =" http://simg.sinajs.cn/blog7style/images/common/sg_trans.gif real_src = "http://static12.photo.sina.com.cn/middle/59a4ec12t910c6eba3cab & 690 "/> <wbr> blog encounter experience chest doors 「introduction photos 」 "STYLE =" BorDer-Top-WiDTH: 0px; pADDinG-riGHT: 0px; pADDinG-LeFT: 0px; BorDer-LeFT-WiDTH: 0px; BorDer-BoTToM-WiDTH: 0px; pADDinG-BoTToM: 0px; MArGin: 0px; pADDinG-Top: 0px; LisT-sTYLe-TYpe: none; BorDer-riGHT-WiDTH: 0px "ALT =" football baby Xu Dai ni <wbr> blog encounter experience chest doors 「introduction photos 」 "src =" http://simg.sinajs.cn/blog7style/images/common/sg_trans.gif real_src = "http://static15.photo.sina.com.cn/middle/59a4ec12t910c6ee8081e & 690 "/> <wbr> blog encounter experience chest doors 「introduction photos 」 "STYLE =" BorDer-Top-WiDTH: 0px; pADDinG-riGHT: 0px; pADDinG-LeFT: 0px; BorDer-LeFT-WiDTH: 0px; BorDer-BoTToM-WiDTH: 0px; pADDinG-BoTToM: 0px; MArGin: 0px; pADDinG-Top: 0px; LisT-sTYLe-TYpe: none; BorDer-riGHT-WiDTH: 0px "ALT =" football baby Xu Dai ni <wbr> blog encounter experience chest doors 「introduction photos 」 "src =" http://simg.sinajs.cn/blog7style/images/common/sg_trans.gif real_src = "http://static5.photo.sina.com.cn/middle/59a4ec12t910c6f15ca34 & 690 "/> <wbr> blog encounter experience chest doors 「introduction photos 」 "STYLE =" BorDer-Top-WiDTH: 0px; pADDinG-riGHT: 0px; pADDinG-LeFT: 0px; BorDer-LeFT-WiDTH: 0px; BorDer-BoTToM-WiDTH: 0px; pADDinG-BoTToM: 0px; MArGin: 0px; pADDinG-Top: 0px; LisT-sTYLe-TYpe: none; BorDer-riGHT-WiDTH: 0px "ALT =" football baby Xu Dai ni <wbr> blog encounter experience chest doors 「introduction photos 」 "src =" http://simg.sinajs.cn/bloG7style/images/common/sg_trans.gif "real_src =" http://static11.photo.sina.com.cn/middle/59a4ec12t910c6f43997a & 690 "/> <wbr> blog encounter experience chest doors 「introduction photos 」" STYLE = "BorDer-Top-WiDTH: 0px; pADDinG-riGHT: 0px; pADDinG-LeFT: 0px; BorDer-LeFT-WiDTH: 0px; BorDer-BoTToM-WiDTH: 0px; pADDinG-BoTToM: 0px; MArGin: 0px; pADDinG-Top: 0px; LisT-sTYLe-TYpe: none; BorDer-riGHT-WiDTH: 0px "ALT =" football baby Xu Dai ni <wbr> blog encounter experience chest doors 「introduction photos 」 "src =" http://simg.sinajs.cn/blog7style/images/common/sg_trans.gif real_src = "http://static14.photo.sina.com.cn/middle/59a4ec12t910c6f6201dd & 690"/>

