
Ancient and modern football thing: "relative silence, only tears of Chin line" _ grassland weekly

(2010-01-29 08: 44: 32) manuscript sources: telegragh 14 Edition of thousands of years, football or Pro Tools, in order to enter the order; or gather the tools to seek his fortune. Strong utilitarian purposes, enable the sport seriously out of a fair competitive sports nature Xiao Chun Fei fan Wei saying ads: "most people I do not tell him!" this advertisement to Chinese football here is another realm: typical scandal will not get out of a nightmare. But the Chinese football has always been at the end of the limelight, climax, from football to have a "person" at the affair, full proof that the Chinese football manufacturing the unmatched capabilities of scandal. A popular words, in the Chinese football during the time in the platform, a Manchu "Cup" and "cutlery". If the time to chat, talk of modern and ancient Chinese football, can only be a "relative silence, only tears of Chin line. "Being demonized by the CU ju set him football star for thousands of years, football or Pro Tools, in order to enter the order; or gather the tools to seek his fortune. Strong utilitarian purposes, enable the sport seriously out of a fair and competitive sports. In China, has a long history of football, FIFA has declared the world soccer originated in China, namely the ancient kickball. According to research: kick started in Shang and Zhou dynasties, universal and Autumn period of the warring States period, to the Han dynasty is prevalent among races, but also a woman kickball team. Emperor about is a kick in the history of his personal engagement playing kickball. The items in the Western Han dynasty, was the first for football and men down in the annals of history. The historical records · Bian Que cartridge public passing records, physician-soon to mean the Department doctor, tell him not to strain, but the Department does not listen, still out of play, the result was killed, hematemesis allows the Department to become a world history of the first crazy ball "fans". Nevertheless, modern people speaking of cuju, first of all think of this is the song of the "national sport", the impression of course from a book in the water, book one of them, CU ju set him, playing a foot strike, the Emperor, and later a conception. CU ju set him though is a bad egg, but still, and today's nengwennengwu those who haven't read a few books of football star is also not the same. Then take the water of CCTV, called Wei Tsung million yen-CU ju set him, obviously underestimated the Song dynasty emperor taste. CU ju set him off around how? book wrote: he entered the "Mandarin Duck turned" end-King, later King let him show ends, so his ability to "push the CU ju set him make out flattery-King. The identity, this balloon is a like a swim bladder adhesive on the body. "Football terms, the ability to really first-class CU ju set him ball control, participation in this contest, is also dianqiu can be loaded into the Guinness Book of records. To see such a master, King nature's wedding, he incorporated under training. It wasn't long before King ascended the throne, made a big Emperor, was half a jolly, tragic death from Emperor Huizong. Did the Emperor, the nature of the brothers to be promoted, and CU ju set him up, and soon became Minister of Defense, mixed. Wicked, good price, CU ju set him began to be molded into the water in the first reverse angle. But the history of CU ju set him, although not the elite of the people, but also not novels that evil incarnate. Novels, CU ju set him and CAI Jing, Yang Jian Tongguan, and listed as "become confusing, bad, bad, bad man" of the "four thieves Chen"; it is customary and CU ju set him as one of "the thief". However, check the history books, whether they are the "four thieves", or "thieves", CU ju set him name are not included. Song Wang Ming Zhu after the stroke of the catalogue is detailed records on CU ju set him hair history: "CU ju set him, Mr. Shi, Mr. The Dongpo pen Région quite work. Dongpo since Hon's Court, a handsome Zhongshan, remain to be worked man Su, Su so that the order has many remarks, wangjin LAU genus Dongpo to. Meta character, Jin-Kyung as orders are bearing. When the King to the end-Woo ling, submarine di, has since the good man, and Jin-Kyung Shin. "The King" value in the garden of CU, Al, qiu-ignoring. King Hu, Sung said: ' thou also solutions for this technical evil? ' qiu Yue: "' to it. ' Diffuse on conceding, qie King, was overjoyed. "" For over a month, King Bao. On the excellent pet, families are very thick, soft, not moved, its time is a leading class assistance to pray, on a cloud: ' Yu Cao dispute as he good foot track evil? ' few years building section, on to make the project phase, through three to twenty years, before the House, since the ambit of any particular qiu begins. Father Don complex complex as Governor. Brother Shen said industry jinshi, straight to the palace examination, sit, after climbing eight are lang submersible zizhi taeyongak, fortunately, is extremely rich. " CU ju set him with the song, in fact, the first genius Su big, he would have followed Su Su mixed, later he recommended when facing Prince Wangjin LAU do lackeys, the Prince and not to reign of King Zhaoji relations very end, on one occasion he sent CU ju set him to send stuff, just zhaoji zhaoji is kicking a ball playing, so in the ball. Later, after becoming Emperor Huizong Zhaoji CU ju set him official get bigger, but a man road, fame overnight, a family is followed by an official. Song not only ruining our to blame? CU ju set him its people still a little conscience, he who was since sushi after Imperial internal party fight violent, often when the banishment, CU ju set him remember return en public: "never forget sushi, their children in all, the provision is very hard to ask t-shirt. "In contrast, another great song football star Ting that sent farther. D that the Prime Minister has done, the Northern Song dynastyIs a typical "treacherous off progenitor" generation, previously in order to kiss up to beat master, able to Kou zhun gratitude publicly to Kou zhun rubs off on the beard of soup, but later he Kou zhun downfall, adding insult to injury, do not hesitate to jump out to kill teacher placement. However, Ding saying that playing a foot strike, Sima in the poetry of Sima Wen Gong "is the Ding said:" CU poems, Eagle eyes, Uighur victory Dragon and snake crept around the legs, to the number of rows, standing for a long time after the cut. " Song Liu Bin of poetry in the Zhongshan also told a Ding said another story: that when the Prime Minister, skills outstanding scholar liusan complex to promoted every day waiting for the Prime Minister's House Stadium walls, one day finally came when the ball flew out of the wall, liusan complex picked up the ball to the ball also went into the House of guise, and the rest of the phase-that is, he threw the ball in the air, the side bow down, side of the head, shoulders, back and other parts of the ball has not dianqiu landing, that see this joy, gave an official liusan complex. The ball well and can be a competent officials, are two separate issues. However, since the Emperor liked to play football, has good, will craves, ulterior opportunists nature characterized Ding said, CU ju set him, liusan complex of such people, not only in the ruin of the blame. The Northern Song dynasty fall, these football experts ' fate is unknown, the song Zhang Bunge in the Mexican village diffuse records recorded: "Ching Kang, out of a slave and by earthquakes with peers to build 毬 Piper Tao Yuan, Wu Zhen, cases by his family. "That is, after the Court Jingkangzhi becomes the social butterfly Lee University College (the one with the Emperor Huizong relations very famous iron generation), football star Tao Yuan, folk music orchestra Wu Zhen, a group of the capital cultural circle players cut home. Visible, then the ball well, not only can be promoted, the same can be re-sold. Breeding of the Southern Song dynasty, kickball still prevalent in the South, bringing up the vigour of the Southern Song dynasty, the recorded history of the first football "episode list": "left forces a 16 person: Zhang, lifts the ball head King" mercy, is based on Zhu selected, head with Shi Ze, left pole mesh Dinka interpretation, the right pole network Peter Rowe, San Li Hu Chun; right forces a sixteen: bulb Zhu Li, lifts the ball is with Zhu, Deputy with selected Zhang Ning, left pole NET Xu Bin, right-pole networks and King, San Li Chen, etc. " Song dead, kickball is still popular, on the history of Ming records: at that time and Zhu Yuanzhang contradicting the Prince Zhang-Cheng's brother Zhang Shun," each one, no military, Merlot Noir carrying the athlets Po (a kind of gambling equipment), kickball, hold women fighting fiercely feast. "Visible kick has and gambling, sex and music together, and hidden so can today's Chinese football echoes. After the emperor ascended the throne, severely prohibited members of the military play, had decreed "kick a user dump feet." Ming Shi nai'an football has been declining, along the water, creating a natural history of wicked CU ju set him, is to kick a very exclusive. The Qing dynasty, the emperor also explicitly prohibit the kickball, historical records, the records of football, very few. After that, incoming Western modern football, spread over thousands of years of traditional kickball activities since then evaporated. They play football, and today even the ancients are unmatched by China kick that failed to become modern football? actually, the answer is not in the ancient times and today. Why is reduced to this Chinese football? not for athletic beauty, football as a tool: some people want to work, some people want to make money. Over the years, the so-called "football" took turns on stage, the Mayor, the so-called "100 Club" meeting of brother 's, get rich quick Chinese football people can't wait desperately seeking something other than soccer: Soccer World wildly Chinese Football Association contest for their own use, for achievement of the national football club to policies to resources, not just exit; players, salary increase, and finally simply betting ... In football, not a lifetime commitment to love line, but so cold to treat football brings unique pleasure, and where to get into football experience a sense of achievement and self-esteem of implementation? actually, football in essence is a tool that will bring you you want. You can use soccer promotion, such as Lascaux, BERU; you can use football famous, such as Abu; you can make money by football, such as Manchester United shareholders Graesser. However, there is one rule that must be licensed out licensing, you must first make the football in order to get what you want. However, it does not follow the Chinese football cards out cards. In order to achieve the objective, which means the wrongfulness of dirty tube. The proliferation of utilitarianism, will inevitably lead to abnormal behavior of the cluster, the resulting order of the Chinese football industry confusion and bad quality culture of latent nourishing dark long, and until today it is difficult to clean up of the situation--everyone think of fishing, but no one thinks of fish, in the end, even the fish are caught. From ancient China to kick a football, from the CU ju set him, liusan complex to nanyong, Wang Platinum, has never been the lack of "fair competition" this core idea of sports. In ancient times, kickball is promoted in order to please the King, you dare to win the Emperor? in the hierarchical, inferiority, under the influence of institutional, kickball is not possible to develop into a unified, the rules of fair competition and respected personalities of the competitive sports. In modern times, although there is a complete football rules, but no one put rules when back thing, football was naked to seek its own advantage of tools, even the "person" all involved, who will dare to hope that the Chinese football? fair competition from this point on, play, and today even the ancients are not comparable.

