University of Valencia, Spain, a study showed that as long as 5 minutes a beauty alone, the body's stress hormone cortisol, increase. Considered unattainable woman among men, this effect is particularly evident. The human body to withstand physical and mental pressure, and heart disease secrete cortisol related.
Researchers asked 84 male students participated in the experiment, one by one asked them to stay in the room alone to answer a few questions, the two strangers, a man and woman are in the room.
When the woman left the room only two men sit together, the voluntary acceptance of the experiment men, stress levels did not increase. However, when the subjects and the women were alone in a room, his cortisol level will rise.
The researchers concluded: "This study, we believe that there a beautiful women, most men might think that the opportunity to contact her." The results show that, even if some men feel beautiful because of the conditions may be better than theirs and back away , the majority of men will show concern, there will be hormonal response. The study showed that boys with a young and beautiful girls get along just 5 minutes, cortisol levels increased. '
A small amount of cortisol have to raise awareness and promote a positive impact on health. However, long-term high cortisol levels, make heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, and impotence and other diseases.